Lifelong Learning Programme

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Job Profiles

The most researched job profiles have been identified in 6 countries. For every profile, the related skills have been listed.

Teachers and school counsellors should use the information provided to enhance students' motivation underlining the consistency between what is learnt at school and the skills required by the labour market.

For every country the most researched job profiles are presented providing information on the related qualifications, knowledge, skills, competences and personal attitude.

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Secondary school teacher
Description of the job profile
In secondary education, the teacher gives lessons on one or several subjects. There are two great categories of lessons, the weekly proportions of which varies depending on the type of education (transition or qualifying education): general or common training courses, such as French, geography, physical education, etc. and optional courses, such as economic science, technical design, culinary technology or welding practical works.

To meet the specific objectives of each subject, the teacher implements and uses a series of educational methods (a lecture, a demonstration, an experiment, researches, etc.), of animation techniques and of teaching materials. Teachers of different disciplines are increasingly working in collaboration and create synergies to help students acquire transversal knowledge and know-how (structuring one’s thoughts, presenting one’s arguments, oral and written expression, team work, etc.). The final objective of secondary education is to give students the possibility to develop a series of competences (such as solving mathematic problems, diagnosing a car breakdown, etc.) in order to prepare for upper education or for work.

Class activities require important preparation and planning, both for content and for exercises production and correction. The teacher of practical lessons needs to prepare a learning programme to acquire methods and actions that apply in a specific working environment.

All along the year, the teacher produces formative evaluations in order to measure students’ progress, and thus to adapt some elements of the course, or to provide remediation. Twice a year (in December and June), the teacher prepares and corrects summative evaluations, exams, to check the acquired knowledge. The teachers of a group of students meet in “class councils” several times a year, to share those evaluations, make pedagogical recommendations, validate the year (or not) and possibly advise a change of section. These councils are usually followed by a teachers-parents meeting to provide the latter with explanations on their child’s school path.

The teacher gives a lessons in secondary schools with transition (general or technical transition) and/or qualifying (qualifying technical or vocational) sections or sandwich courses (CEFA).
They can also work is special education, social promotion education or many other training and rehabilitation organisations for adults.
Economical sector
Qualifications required
Main qualifications required to teach in secondary education:
• Lower secondary education agrégation – AESI: three year baccalaureate; choice between several sections (sciences, maths, Germanic languages, fine arts, physical education, etc.)
• Upper secondary education agrégation – AESS: completes the qualification (licence or master) acquired in a given discipline that identifies the matter that can be taught.
• Pedagogical aptitude certificate (CAP) for upper education graduates: this degree allows any upper education graduate to become a teacher in vocational, technical, economics or arts, paramedical, social or agriculture section, full time or social promotion training.
• Pedagogical aptitude certificate (CAP) for technical or vocational secondary education graduates: this degree allows any upper education graduate of vocational, technical, economics or arts, paramedical, social or agriculture section to teach technical courses or vocational practice in their specialty in lower or upper secondary school
• Pedagogical aptitude certificate (CAP) for vocational or technical lower secondary school graduates and for anyone with nine years of professional experience in a trade: c this degree allows any technical or vocational lower upper education graduate and anyone with nine years of professional experience in a trade to teach technical courses or vocational practice in their specialty in lower or upper secondary school.

The CAP can be obtained in two ways:
• After achieving the “CAP” section provided in pedagogical upper education (social promotion);
• After successful examination organised by the “Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles”.
Knowledge Description Level
Psychology and Socio-pedagogy In order to accomplish their mission, teachers need a solid professional background, combining extensive scientific expertise and proven pedagogical and didactic skills. Strong general training in socio-emotional, socio-cultural, philosophical fields. Psycho-pedagogical training in order to teach an effective learning methods, active pedagogy based on difficult situations, interdisciplinary and the development of transversal skills. Level 6
Specific knowledge Structure of secondary education in “Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles” (types of education and degrees, technical and vocational education, alternating education in CEFA...). Specific disciplinary knowledge in order to teach to students specific courses related to the selected teaching field. Experiences in the field complete this training. Level 6
Skill Description Level
Communication skills Meeting parents and providing explanations concerning the schooling situation of their child; Participating in staff meetings Level 6
Cultural background Deep general knowledge to allow students to have a good approach with the cultural world Level 6
Languages Fluency in French (both oral and written) Level 6
Leading teams Fluency in animation techniques and group management Level 6
Lifelong learning Update both in the taught disciplines and in pedagogy Level 6
Planning Planning and managing learnings Level 6
Problem solving skills Keeping discipline, managing conflicts Level 6
Teaching skills Preparing and correcting homework, evaluations and exams; Fluency in the taught subjects; Preparing and giving lessons; Using and/or developing educational materials Level 6
Competence Description Level
Communication competences Maintaining collaborative relations with families, institutions, and, more broadly, acting as social and cultural actor in society Level 6
Creative thinking Daring to innovate; Critical thinking on used practice Level 6
Critical thinking Maintaining a critical and autonomous relation with scientific knowledge Level 6
Languages Communicating appropriately in the language of instruction in various contexts related to the profession Level 6
Personal/behavioural competences Respecting an ethical framework and adopting an ethical approach in a democratic and responsible perspective Level 6
Personal/behavioural competences Creating and developing an environment that stimulates social interaction and sharing common experiences, where everyone feels accepted Level 6
Self-development Being able to organise one’s continued training Level 6
Teaching competences Developing expertise in the taught contents and in the methodology of their teaching; Developing, leading, regulating and evaluating learning situations aimed at the development of each student in all the dimensions Level 6
Teamworking Working in teams with colleagues, counsellors, parents… Level 6
Personal Attitude
• Altruism
• Tolerance
• Enthusiasm
• Dynamism
• Availability
• Patience
• Organisation, discipline and structure
• Communication skills
• Adaptability
• Ability to encourage and promote the desire to learn, to know, to practice
• Rigor
• Resistance to stress
Job Profile in national language

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.