This section is meant to facilitate the sharing of information among partners as far as the dissemination events carried out are concerned.
A description of the event, the number of people participating and the evaluation of the event are available for each dissemination event.
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Partners' Institution:
C.I.P.A.T. - Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani
Name of the person involved in the event:
Teachers and Managers of vocational schools Toscani
Date of the event:
01 July 2016 - 01 July 2016
Type of Dissemination event:
Informative Mailing
Description of Dissemination Event:
Final conference of the Project School and Work
Creation of Synergies between School and the Labour Market
CIPAT, Oratorio di S. Michele, Piazza S. Ambrogio / Via dei Pilastri, Firenze (IT)
12 July 2016 (9.30-13.30)
9.30 Participants registration
10.00 Welcome
• Giuseppe Italiano, CIPAT (Italy)
Progetto School&Work: impatto sulle modificazioni in atto del sistema scolastico italiano
• Roberto Bandinelli, Tuscany Regional Branch of Ministry of Education (Italy)
• Gabriele Toccafondi, Sottosegretario di Stato all’Istruzione (Italy)
La lotta alla dispersione nelle nuove politiche del Governo italiano
10.40 Main Results Achieved in the European Partners Countries
• Andreea Corina Ionel, Fundația EuroEd (Romania)
The power of example and how to help teachers and students cope with changes
• Guillemette Duplany, RENASUP (France)
Acknowledgment of skills as first mover against early school leaving
• Olivia del Amo, Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón (Spain)
Inspiring tools to prevent early school leaving – the Spanish case
• Marco Manzuoli, CIPAT (Italy)
Il Progetto School and work: utilizzo del Portale e impatto sugli studenti
• Irena Navickienė, Lithuanian university of educational sciences (Lithuania)
S&W"- synergy among schools and world of work enhancing personalized career guidance at school and students’ motivation to learn
• Julien Keutgen, INFOREF (Belgium)
Work in Touch - Cooperation for a better guidance
12.45 Debate and questions
13.30 End of conference
Target group:
Public Bodies
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Florence (Italy)
Outcomes, Results and Evaluation:
Presentation materials School Work and dissemination in the Tuscan school
Supporting Documents: