Partners' Institution:
Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón (CREA)
Name of the person involved in the event:
Jorge Alonso, Olivia del Amo and Elena Borobio
Date of the event:
23 September 2015 - 24 September 2015
Type of Dissemination event:
Conference or Fair
Description of Dissemination Event:
The International Meeting AREX is a two-days fair combined with workshops where companies from Aragon region can get information on how to make their business more international. It is held annually since 2009 and CREA participates in all the editions with an informative stand, in which companies can get information about CREA projects.
In this edition, CREA delivered School&Work leaflets and inform some companies about the Project.
Target group:
General Public
Public Bodies
Held in:
Zaragoza (Spain)
Outcomes and Results:
The event is an important meeting for companies and many of them showed interest in the School&Work Project.
Supporting Documents: