Partners' Institution:
Fundația EuroEd
Name of the person involved in the event:
Anca Colibaba
Date of the event:
27 December 2015
Type of Dissemination event:
Article in magazine
Description of Dissemination Event:
The 12th eLearning and Software for Education Conference - eLSE 2016 is organized by the Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Partnership Lab under the patronage of Carol I National Defence University and European Security and Defence College (ESDC) as an eLearning related international conference and will be held in Bucharest, April 21st – 22nd 2016.
Held in:
Bucharest (Romania)
Outcomes and Results:
Registration of the article : The Power of Example
The article focuses on The School@Work project (Project Number: 2014-1-IT02-KA201-003985; Programme: Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership), developed by partners from Belgium, France, Italy, Lithuania, Romania and Spain. The project underlying principle is the collaboration across Europe between schools and labour market with a view to joining all efforts in order to facilitate students’ entrance in the labor market smoothly and easily. The article presents the project main objectives, activities and outcomes. The project aims at providing teachers and counsellors with the necessary e-tools in order to design guidance services for students and enhance their motivation to complete their studies and identify suitable jobs for them on the market. The aim of the project is to give evidence to the importance that companies and job market are giving when recruiting staff resources, to specific professional and sectoral skills and competences, but also to qualification and transversal knowledge that can be achieved only successfully completing the educational process. The collection of tests, which can be used by both schools and students to assess skills and aptitudes, the solid and reliable data base with aptitude and skill tests created in previous European projects as well the profiles of the most researched jobs in the six project countries will definitely enable teachers to improve quality of the job orientation services and experiences in their schools. The article examines the most recent project output: its collection of interviews with successful entrepreneurs. It highlights the role that examples play in choosing one’s career and explores their persuasive power of their life lessons.
Supporting Documents: