Partners' Institution:
Name of the person involved in the event:
Christine Cloes
Date of the event:
01 June 2016
Type of Dissemination event:
Conference or Fair
Description of Dissemination Event:
"Work in Touch" is the title of a conference organised in cooperation by Inforef, Cité des Métiers de Liège and Fondation pour l'enseignement, to present initiatives to better integrate school education and the world of work. It was the final multiplier event of this project. The first presentation, by Inforef, was dedicated to "School&Work". Attendants were explained the project objectives, activities and results and were shown the different sections of the project portal. Then two teachers from associated schools explained their involvement in the project activities and how students reacted to them. All attendants received the project folder.
Target group:
General Public
Public Bodies
Training Agencies
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Liège (Belgium)
Outcomes and Results:
The conference reached a relevant audience, with attendants from schools, vocational and continuing training organisations, universities, public bodies (provincial and regional levels), employment agencies, career guidance services, companies, junior achievement and organisations to support enterprises and entrepreneurship. They could learn about the project objectives, activities and results and hear a positive feedback from participating teachers. An email was later sent to all registered people (more numerous than then attendants) with the presentation, the project folder and a link to the project portal.
The number of attendants was a bit lower than expected, due to an ongoing train strike. This number is still satisfying.
Supporting Documents: