Work in Progress
This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
1 - Toolkit “Identification of Student Potentials”
Objectives of activities carried out:
The first intellectual output created by the project partners is the “Identification of Student Potentials” Tool kit that will be designed, implemented and made available to be used by school counsellors and teachers to identify and highlight the interests, aptitudes, inclinations and potentials of the students in order to develop personalised guidance service to motivate them to stay at school and proceed their educational pathway towards the career and life style that might suit them the best in the future.
Description of activities carried out:
Inforef translated the forms 1.A (School Participation Form), 1.B (School Participation Letter) and 1.C (Role of the school) and provided them to a selection of teachers and counsellors to be involved in the project. These in turn contacted their colleagues and other relevant organisations to inform them about the project and seek their participation. Five schools have been involved as associated schools, bringing ten teachers and three counsellors. More than 2000 students, including more than 500 with fewer opportunities, have been involved. The schools are: Collège Sainte-Véronique (Liège), Centre scolaire Saint-Martin (Seraing), Institut Marie-Thérèse (Liège), Institut Sainte-Thérèse d'Avila (Chênée-Liège) and CEFA - Centre d'Éducation et de Formation en Aternance (Sclessin-Liège).
Inforef conducted research to find aptitudes and skills tests and review them. Five aptitude tests and five skilled tests were reviewed and inserted on the project portal.
With the help of involved teachers and counsellors, two wizards were created and inserted on the portal. Both are available in English and in French.
Ten job profiles were reviewed with the help of Forem (training and employment organisation in Wallonia) and inserted on the portal
Nine online courses and three crowdfunding platforms were described and inserted on the project portal.
Ten teachers and three counsellors commited to participate in the project.
Five schools have been involved as associated school.
Five aptitude and five skill tests have been reviewed and uploaded on the project portal.
Two wizards have been created and are available in English and in French on the portal.
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
All the tasks were carried out in due time. The numbers of teachers, counsellors and students to be involved has been reached. This activity is completed.
Evaluation questionnaires for this section were submitted to the users and the evaluation report was submitted to the coordinator.