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Partners' Institution:
Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón (CREA)
Project's period (from/to):
01 June 2015 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
3 - Video Gallery of Testimonials on the Importance of School Education
Objectives of activities carried out:
The third intellectual output of the project will be a Video gallery of Testimonials on why education at school is important to be successful in life and at work.
The Video Gallery of Testimonials will collect interviews with successful entrepreneurs, successful employees and successful people focusing on different real life cases on the labour market to be used as reference with students to highlight the importance of completing school education for being successful at work and in life.
Each of the testimonials collected will explain in a very direct, honest way, based on their personal history, that school education is very important and will encourage students to stay at school and complete their education.
The interviews with successful Entrepreneurs will address the following themes:
• Their personal and professional history
• Their educational and training path
• The specific profiles that they need within their business to underline the importance of school education
• The personal characteristics and the transversal skills they are they are looking for when selecting their staff resources.
The aim of these interviews will be to underline through, real life cases, the importance of completing school education to access to a stable and/or well-paid job and in opening concrete opportunities of a successful and rewarding career.
Description of activities carried out:
CREA identified five successful entrepreneurs, five employees and five successful people and introduced them the project and their objectives. Then, they were invited to be interviewed to show their personal and professional experience and to be an inspiring model for students.
Interviews were produced from December 2015 to the first week of February 2016. Once recorded, CREA translated the interviews into English and uploaded them at YouTube channel, and also at School & Work portal. Since then, CREA has been actively promoting the interviews through different meanings in order to get the widest dissemination and the best impact on target groups. Thus, Twitter, CREA newsletter, Facebook, media (press releases), etc. have been used to achieve these goals. The partner has also informed participants’ schools about the production of these interviews.
An evaluation has been performed among the potential target users and as a result, a report has been produced with users´ testimonials and comments.
A total of 15 interviews have been performed and all of them are available at YouTube School & Work channel, as well as at School & Work portal.
Several press releases and press clippings have been published. This more traditional dissemination tool has been combined with the presence in social media, achieving therefore a wider impact and a large number of visits to the project YouTube channel, exceeding first provisions.
CREA has produced a report with an interesting evaluation from end users and a collection of testimonials and comments from them.
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
Activities have been carried out according to the Project planning with excellent results. Lot of interest has been show from, not only target users, but also from media, and population in general.