Work in Progress
This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
C.I.P.A.T. - Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
TA 3 - Exploitation
Objectives of activities carried out:
The project partners will be committed to carry out activities in order to promote the project sustainability. A sustainability plan will be adopted among the consortium (quindi cambiare in “among the consortiums” se si intende più consorzi oppure con “within the consortium” se si intende solo all’interno del CIPAT) aiming to:
• Promote the Portal through the upload of its link on webpages that address similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for teachers, portals containing job offers etc.)
• Promote the project / the portal (non so quale parola è corretta qui, nel testo originale manca del tutto) among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and to foster the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involve new members as associated partners
Description of activities carried out:
CIPAT has involved in particular (toglierei questo “in particular” perchè è grammaticalmente corretto ma in inglese suona un po’ strano in quanto il suo uso qui non è dei più appropriati; se necessario, va bene lasciarlo) four vocational schools (Datini, Bianciardi, Matteotti and Sassetti) and a technical school (Fermi), these schools have shown great interest in participating in the project with regard to the production and testing of materials.
The Vocational Institute Marconi in Prato and the Association Don Milani have indicated their intention to participate in the project as associated partners.
March 31:
Were acquired n. 3 letters associated partnes:
-Foundation Don Milani - Florence
-Institute Marconi - Prato + link
-University of Siena
April 30:
Publication of announcements on 3 portals or websites addressed to teachers and school counsellors
Jul 31:
-Publication of announcements on 1 portals or websites addressed to teachers and school counsellors
-31 January 2016:
Were acquired n. 2 letters associated partnes:
-Association l'Altracittà - Grosseto + link
-Association AICQ-TL - Florence + link
-7 march 2016
Were acquired n. 1 letters associated partnes:
-Institute Sassetti Peruzzii - Florence + link
Involvement of a total number of 6 associated partners
Five schools (Datini Bianciardi, Matteotti Sassetti and Fermi) participating in the project (n. 8 teachers, n.3 counselors, n. 3 school principals)
The three membership cards were inserted in the portal of School & Work
Use and evaluation materials by teachers of educational institutions.
Associated partners have been involved in the evaluation and dissemination of products (IO 3 and IO 4)
Activation on Cipat portals and Datini Institute for materials utilization
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The activity gave the first positive results, CIPAT will continue its activities to involve the largest number of schools, public authorities and policy makers.