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Partners' Institution:
Fundația EuroEd
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
TA 2 - Dissemination
Objectives of activities carried out:
During the kick off meeting, partners agreed on a common dissemination strategy aiming to ensure an effective and constant promotion of the project. This objective will be reached through:
- Making the School&Work Portal accessible to the largest possible number of scientific school teachersin secondary schools (students aged 14 to 19), school counsellors, students, in particular those aged 14 to 17 when the risk of dropping out from school is higher
- Sharing the School&Work Portal and the results of the School&Work project with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing the School&Work Portal and the results of the School&Work project with the highest number of citizens
- Spreading the School&Work activities and results on the most popular Social Network (Facebook and Twitter)
Description of activities carried out:
Involvement in dissemination activities with the aims to raise the awareness to project target group on the aims of the project to create innovative and attractive materials for school counsellors and teachers on personalised guidance services to motivate students at risk of early school leaving to complete their studies, through the analysis of the personal attitudes of the student and the matching with what is requested by the job market.
The dissemination activities are organized or selected so as to ensure maximum impact by building on synergies, encouraging joint events, targeting decision makers and multipliers, wide and varied audiences, geographical and sectorial spread.
The range of dissemination activities for EuroEd projects cover:
organizing dissemination events;
identification and selection of events in conformity with their suitability for each project so as to maximize impact (theme, number of participants, geographical and sectoral coverage, type of outcome – e.g. publication);
exploitation of academic / professional contacts to validate, recommend and mainstream innovative products and services created in projects;
selection of project representatives and of financing sources;
selection of dissemination goals and instruments;
expansion of EuroEd national and international database of contacts, stakeholders (as a results of each department activity and specific contacts);
implementation of EuroEd strategy for keeping the communication flow with these contacts active;
Dissemination channels and means:
projects websites / platforms;
institutional website;
online social website: Facebook, etc.;
media coverage: press releases, interviews, announcements;
social networks and professional online communities;
meetings, workshops, national and international conferences, fairs;
flyers, posters, newsletters, brochures, etc.;
presentations and publication of articles;
word of mouth and personal contacts.
For each of the dissemination events the partnership EuroEd provide proof of their participation and active involvement (certificates, participants list, registrations forms, agenda of the events, pictures, films, presentations held, articles published etc.)
Specific activities done:
- Participation in over 36 dissemination activities, formal or informal, national or international
- Set up the project youtube channel, upload the project data and an introduction video and permanent revision of the channel, various disseminations of the channel
- Participation in 6 transnational meetings where the project has been promoted, distribution of information and brochures
- Participation in direct meetings with teachers, counselors and school principals with the view to disseminate and promote the project and invite them to join the project network of schools
- Participation in international conferences - registration of the project with an abstract, article to be published in the conference proceedings and video presenting the project to be uploaded on the conference portal as virtual presentation of the project: The 12th International Scientific Conference
eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 21-22, 2016 with the workshop and article: The power of example; EDULEARN15- 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Barcelona 3/26/2015, with the virtual presentation and article: A new e-learning course for teachers and school counsellors to help them motivate students to complete their studies; International scientific conference Life sciences, a challenge for the future, 2015 of USAMV, The role of the key competencies in enhancing students’ motivation to finish their studies
- Permanent posts on the project Facebook page with data on the project activities or articles related to the project.
- Dissemination of the project on the institutional website and facebook page.
- Creating links between the project with other projects or teachers/counselors communities
- Translation of the project brochure into Romanian
- 71 dissemination events
- 1 video with introduction of the project -
- 1 YouTube Channel - (1,726 views)
- 1 brochure in RO
- 1 project presentation
- 1 PPT with project presentation
- 4 conferences
- 4 articles
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
All the activities and results carried out were according the calendar of activities and methodology agreed by the partnership.