Work in Progress
This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 June 2015 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
3 - Video Gallery of Testimonials on the Importance of School Education
Objectives of activities carried out:
The third intellectual output of the project is a Video gallery of Testimonials on why education at school is important to be successful in life and at work.
The Video Gallery of Testimonials will collect interviews with successful entrepreneurs, successful employees and successful people focusing on different real life cases on the labour market to be used as reference with students to highlight the importance of completing school education for being successful at work and in life.
Each of the testimonials collected will explain in a very direct, honest way, based on their personal history, that school education is very important and will encourage students to stay at school and complete their education.
The interviews with successful Entrepreneurs will address the following themes:
• Their personal and professional history
• Their educational and training path
• The specific profiles that they need within their business to underline the importance of school education
• The personal characteristics and the transversal skills they are they are looking for when selecting their staff resources.
The aim of these interviews will be to underline through, real life cases, the importance of completing school education to access to a stable and/or well-paid job and in opening concrete opportunities of a successful and rewarding career.
Description of activities carried out:
Pixel, in cooperation with the project promoter, developed the following forms:
3.A - Guidelines for the interview with entrepreneurs
3.B - Guidelines for the interview with employees
3.C - Guidelines for the interview with successful people
3.D - General guidelines for the video production
3.E – Form to collect exploitation links
3.F – Testimonial and Evaluation Questionnaires for end users
3.G – Guidelines for the evaluation report on testing activity
3.H – Comment form
The forms have been presented during the second meeting and used by the partners.
Pixel is in charge to verify the fulfilling of partners' tasks according to the deadlines commonly agreed and to remind them in case of delays.
Pixel disseminated the School&Work project during many national activities and transnational meeting involving people belonging to School&Work project target groups. A number of educational stakeholders has been made aware of the start of School&Work project, its aims and, in particular, about the activities foreseen by the third Intellectual Output. Beyond face-to-face dissemination events, Pixel spread information about School&Work project through the Internet and, in particular, on the Facebook page of the project.
The forms are available on the project portal and they have been useful in order to simplify partners' tasks and to make partnership's results uniform.
People reached by Pixel dissemination declared themselves interested in School&Work activities, they are curious about the future results and asked to be kept informed on the development of the project.
The videos of successful people, entrepreneurs and employees are available on the project portal and teachers and students have the possibility to post comments about them.
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The activities have been carried out according to the project planning with excellent results.