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Partners' Institution:
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
TA 2 - Dissemination
Objectives of activities carried out:
During the kick off meeting, partners agreed on a common dissemination strategy aiming to ensure an effective and constant promotion of the project. This objective will be reached through:
- Making the School&Work Portal accessible to the largest possible number of scientific school teachers in secondary schools (students aged 14 to 19), school counsellors, students, in particular those aged 14 to 17 when the risk of dropping out from school is higher
- Sharing the School&Work Portal and the results of the School&Work project with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing the School&Work Portal and the results of the School&Work project with the highest number of citizens
- Spreading the School&Work activities and results on the most popular Social Network (Facebook and Twitter)
Description of activities carried out:
The team of the University has been constantly using the following means for effective dissemination of the project activities: websites of the university, schools, associated partners;
press releases, interviews, announcements, social networks and professional online communities, meetings, workshops, national and international conferences, fairs, flyers, posters, brochures, presentations and publication of articles, informative e- mailing.
The dissemination activities have been organized so as to ensure maximum impact by building on synergies, encouraging joint events, targeting decision makers and multipliers, wide and varied audiences, geographical and sectorial spread.
The Lithuanian university of educational sciences has presented the "School and Work" project to the university teachers, vocational and secondary schools' principles and teachers, to the heads of business companies and associations, members of the Italian - Lithuanian chamber of commerce, Ministries of Education, Environment and Social security and labour.
The information about the project and the brosure designed by PiIxel ( in English ) and translated in to the Lithuanian language has been uploaded on the websites of the University and 7 associated partners of the project: Italian- Lithuanian chamber of commerce, Educational development centre, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Environment, Kaunas Chamber of commerce and of 10 schools participating in the project.
Dissemination events:
on the 8th of May, 2015 a round table discussion " Vocational training perspectives and measures for enhancement of students' learning motivation " was organized by the project coordinator Irena Navickiene at the Lithuanian university of educational sciences.Heads of vocational and secondary schools,teachers from schools and the university, entrepreneurs and a visiting professor Thomas Vogel from Haidelberg university were discussing issues related to the prevention of early school leaving, introducing apprenticeship, possibilities of closer collaboration between business companies and vocational schools.
Irena Navickiene made a presentation about the project " School and Work" activities, demonstrated the project Portal and invited the participants to join the project. Project brosures were presented to all the participants (40) of the discussion.
Klaipėda "Zemyna" gymansium organized Career planning Fare during which Danute Orzekauskiene informed the teachers, schoolchildren and entrepreurs about the Project and distributed a broshure (in the Lithuanian language).
Articles about the project implementation were published in the newspapers " Sviesa" and " Svietimo naujienos":
Meetings of students, teachers and entrepreneurs were organized at 7 schools during which discussions about students' carrier planning, labour market needs, motivation of learning , prevention of school drop - outs took place and interviews from successful entrepreneurs and employees were taken, the broshure " School and Work" translated into the Lithuanian language was disseminated to students and entrepreneurs, they were invited to use the tools available on the project Portal.
The Italian - Lithuanian chamber of commerce - an associated partner of the project organized a meeting with school teachers, counsellors and students on the 14th October, 2015. Director general Ugo Meucci moderated the discussion about the future career planning and the labour market needs. The project coordinator Irena Navickiene made a presentation about the project " School and Work" activities carried out during the year and invited teachers and students to use the tools created within the framework of the project.
During the Fair "School without boarders" in LITEXPO on 5-7 November, 2015 Irena Navickienė made several presentations about the project activities, intellectual products' development to more than 1000 participants - school teachers, students, entrepreneurs.Over 1000 broshures were distributed to the participants of the Fair.
At the international conference " Quality of education:How to attain it" held in Vilniaus Kolegija University of applied sciences on the 20th of May 2016 Irena Navickiene made a presentation " Facilitation for school teachers and counsellors in designing and providing personalized high quality career guidance and counselling services to the students" in the workshop of the conference " Establishment and implementation of innovatory inter - institutional cooperation prospects" . Project " School and work" results were demonstrated on-line, through the project Portal, e- learning package for teachers and counsellors was presented in detail.
25 dissemination events: Fairs, informative- e-mails, meetings, round- table discussions, international conferences.
1000 broshures in the Lithuanian language distributed during the Fairs and meetings.
6 presentations on the activities and results of the project made during the dissemination events.
2 articles published in the newspapers " Šviesa" and " Švietimo naujienos"
Systematic informative e- mailing to the network of contacts, disemination throug Facebook and Twitter done.
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
All the activities carried out according to the methodology agreed by the partnership.