Partners' Institution:

Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2015 - 31 August 2016

Activity concerned:
4 - E-Learning Package

Objectives of activities carried out:
The fourth intellectual output of the project is the e-learning based training package for teachers and counsellors on how to deal with students at risk of early school leaving and motivate them to continue and complete their educational path at school, by identifying their attitudes and specific skills, and motivating them to study by giving evidence to the importance of acquiring the transversal skills that are required by the companies and recruiting services.

Description of activities carried out:
Inforef was assigned Module 4 - Innovative entrepreneurial experiences at schools and received its first draft during the second meeting in Paris. Inforef provided feedback during the third partners' meeting organised by CREA. Inforef submitted the first draft of the package and took the partners' feedback into account for the final version. In cooperation with RENASUP, it was translated in French.

The final version of the E-Learning package was submitted and is available in English and in French on the project portal.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The activity is completed. Evaluations are positive.