Partners' Institution:

Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2014 - 31 August 2016

Activity concerned:
2 - Toolkit “Skills to succeed in the job market”

Objectives of activities carried out:
The second intellectual output created by the project partners is the toolkit "Skills to succeed in the job market" that is designed, implemented and made available to be used by school counsellors and teachers to plan and implement personalised guidance services to motivate students at risk of early school leaving to complete their studies, through the analysis of the skills that are fundamental to enter and succeed in the job market and that are provided at school.
The Toolkit is divided in 3 Areas:
Area 1 – European Job Profiles
Area 2 – Necessary Skills
Area 3 – Entrepreneurial spirit

Description of activities carried out:
Pixel, in cooperation with the project promoter, developed the following forms:
2.A - European Job Profile.docx
2.B - Entrepreneurial Spirit Template.docx
2.C - Form to collect exploitation links.doc
2.D - Testimonial and Evaluation Questionnaires for end users
2.E - Guidelines for the evaluation report on testing activity
2.F - Comment form
The forms have been presented, modified and approved during the kick off meeting and then used by the partners.
Pixel verified the fulfilling of partners' tasks according to the deadlines commonly agreed.
Pixel disseminated the School&Work project during many national activities and transnational meeting involving people belonging to School&Work project target groups. A number of educational stakeholders has been made aware of the start of School&Work project, its aims and, in particular, about the activities foreseen by the second Intellectual Output. Beyond face-to-face dissemination events, Pixel spread information about School&Work project through the Internet and, in particular, on the Facebook page of the project.

The forms are available on the project portal and they have been useful in order to simplify partners' tasks and to make partnership's results uniform.
People reached by Pixel dissemination declared themselves interested in School&Work activities, they are curious about the future results and asked to be kept informed on the development of the project.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The activities have been carried out according to the project planning and the intellectual output is available for the students and counselors on the project portal.