Partners' Institution:
Fundația EuroEd

Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2015 - 31 August 2016

Activity concerned:
4 - E-Learning Package

Objectives of activities carried out:
The fourth intellectual output of the project is the e-learning based training package for teachers and counsellors on how to deal with students at risk of early school leaving and motivate them to continue and complete their educational path at school, by identifying their attitudes and specific skills, and motivating them to study by giving evidence to the importance of acquiring the transversal skills that are required by the companies and recruiting services.

Description of activities carried out:
EuroEd has been involved in internal meeting discussing with the team members the role of the e-learning package and how to support the creation of the draft version of the module “Capitalise on pupils interests and skills”. EuroEd planned to collaborate with the teachers and schools councellors to be involved in development of the module and the revise and feedback of all the e-learning package content.
As the training course development was a joint collaboration of all the partners, EuroEd has been responsible for development of the Module 2 of the course, with the title: Capitalise on pupils interests and skills.
In terms of activities carried out, EuroEd staff worked together with teachers to develop the content of the each chapter of the second module:
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: School intervention
- Chapter 3: Teaching methods to capitalize on students’ interests and skills
- Chapter 4: Working staff in the school
- Chapter 5: Collection of best practices, experiences, success stories

4.A – Training Course Structure_Module 2
4.D – Testimonial and Evaluation Questionnaires for end users(10 forms filled in)
4.F – Questionnaires analysis_RO
4.E – Evaluation report on testing activity_RO
4.C – Comment form_RO (8 comments)
4.D – Testimonials_RO (2 testimonials)