Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Test Online

These tests identify students’ abilities and inclinations.


These tests, produced by the project experts, should be used by teachers and school counsellors to support students in the identification of their abilities and inclinations with the purpose to support their motivation and future employability.

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Title of Test:
Which job is right for me?
Description This test is used with 4th year students 16 years old) in a technical and vocational school (middle secondary school) including some at risk of early school leaving. It is part of a personal project based that students develop all along the school year to determine the course of study they will take in upper secondary school (qualification training for a profession they will have chosen or preparation for post-secondary studies).
For those students, it can be difficult to know what appeals to them or what they want to do later. This test will help them know what they are most into and give them a first idea of their professional profile.

The complete test concerns eleven professional areas and include more than fifty questions. A reduced version is proposed here. For each proposition, the student has to choose one statement and check the related number. The numbers are then reported in the table. The total shows in a last table the student’s attraction to a professional area.
The test concerns the following professional areas: manual activities, people assistance, trade, sciences, technique and industry.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.