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Partners' Institution:
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
Name of the person involved in the event:
Heads of vocational and secondary schools, teachers and counsellors of schools involved into the project, representatives from the Ministry of social security and labour,Ministry of education, business companies, professor T. Vogel from Haidelberg university, Rector of the University of educational sciences, director of the professional competence development institute, project " School and work" coordinator Irena Navickiene ( 40 persons )
Date of the event:
08 May 2015
Type of Dissemination event:
A round - table discussion
Description of Dissemination Event:
On the 8th of May, 2015 a round - table discussion " Vocational training perspectives and measures for enhancement of students' learning motivation " was organized by the project coordinator Irena Navickiene at the Lithuanian university of educational sciences.Heads of vocational and secondary schools,teachers from schools and university, entrepreneurs and a visiting professor Thomas Vogel from Haidelberg university were discussing issues related to the prevention of early school leaving, introducing apprenticeship, possibilities of closer collaboration between business companies and vocational schools.Irena Navickiene made a presentation about the project " School and Work" activities, demonstrated the project Portal and invited the participants to join the project. Project brosures were presented to all the participants of the discussion.
Target group:
Public Bodies
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Vilnius (Lithuania)
Outcomes, Results and Evaluation:
The goal of the event was achieved: teachers, experts, entrepreneurs and representatives from public bodies ( 2 ministries ) were brought together to have a discussion about vocational training perspectives, to share experience in organizing appreticeship in business companies, to enhance collaboration between schools and business companies in order to prevent early school leaving, to help students to plan their carreer and to integrate into the labour market.
Promotion of the project " School and Work " was successful. After the event the principles of three schools ( one vocational and two secondary schools) expressed their willingness to join the project.
Project "S&W" brochures were presented to all the participants of the discussion.
The feedback got from the participants was highly positive.
Supporting Documents: