Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This section of the School&Work portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.

Information & Contacts

Homepage > Information & Contacts > Partnership > Contractual Partners

Contractual Partners

From this section it is possible to access to a description of each contractual partner of the School&Work project.

There are 7 contractual partners and they are based in 6 different European countries.

C.I.P.A.T. - Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani
Oratory of S. Michele alla Pace
S. Ambrogio Place
50121 Florence
Tel: +39 055 0114380
Fax: +39 055 0114380
Web site

Partner Description

CIPAT to this day, is a consortium made up of 40 schools, including several courses of studies, with a certain predominance of hotel-management and catering schools. The Consortium was established 2002 thanks to the initiatives of 12 schools, that were determinated to collaborate in various fields of common interest, as specified in the Statute.
Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 Firenze
Tel: +39 055 48 97 00
Fax: +39 055 462 88 73
Web site

Partner Description

Pixel is an education and training institution based in Florence (Italy). Pixel was founded in 1999. Pixel’s mission is to promote an innovative approach to education, training and culture, this is done mostly by trying to exploit the best potential of ICT for education and training. Pixel has a permanent staff of 15 people and a network of about 100 external professionals and trainers that cooperate with them on specific activities.
Rue du Vertbois 27
4000 Liège
Tel: +32 / 4 221 04 65
Fax: +32 / 4 237 09 97
Web site

Partner Description

INFOREF is a non-profit association of teachers, technical and educational experts offering services to primary and secondary schools and to adult education. INFOREF supports innovative teaching technologies and methodologies and the introduction of innovative e-Learning based educational systems.
277, rue St Jacques
75005 PARIS
Web site

Partner Description

RENASUP is a non profit association created in 1996 and directly linked to the French general secretary of catholic schools. RENASUP in link with the french catholic schools network has a mission in helping the young people to build their life project to choose a training that will really suit to them.
Lithuanian university of educational sciences
Studentu str.39, Vilnius
Tel: +370 5 279 02 81
Fax: +370 5 279 05 48
Web site

Partner Description

Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences is a major teacher training institution in Lithuania. With the start of its activity in 1935, its primary goal has been to educate a highly qualified professional in the chosen field of science and a professional teacher who is able to successfully operate in the fast-changing society, knowledgeable about the abilities and skills obtained and professionally active in the national educational institutions of different types as well as in different contexts of international co-operation.
Fundația EuroEd
1 C Florilor Street, Iași
Tel: +40 232 252850 / 252870
Fax: +40 232 252902
Web site

Partner Description

EuroEd Foundation is a non-profit organisation set up in 1992 and located in Iasi, Romania. It delivers educational services to all age categories and developed a series of programmes, including language courses (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Romanian), international training courses for language teachers.
Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón (CREA)
Avda. Ranillas 20
50015 Zaragoza
Tel: +34 976460066
Fax: +34 976327508
Web site

Partner Description

Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón (CREA), is a non-profit employers organisation located in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, Spain. CREA represents more than 30.000 enterprises through its associates made up by territorial and multisectorial businesses associations as well as biggest local companies operating in the region; offering a wide range of services to our associates and other targets.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.