Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This section of the School&Work portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.


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News Archive

23 August 2016 Associated Partners and Links to the Project Portal

The great success of the School&Work project is proved by the number of associated parnters, which officially joined the project, and web sites, which published a link to the project portal. Both the partners and web sites contribute to the project sustainability and guarantee that the project products will be used in the future by secondary schools' teachers and counsellors.

15 July 2016 Fourth Partners' Meeting

The fourth meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 11 July 2016. Giuseppe Italiano and Lorenzo Martellini presented the project and the activities carried out to the partners. The partners reported the impact the project had in their countries and presented the results of the testing activity. A special focus was dedicated to the financial report with a general presentation and individual meetings. The final conference of the project took place on 12 July 2016 in CIPAT premises. 

01 June 2016 Guidance, Counselling and Support Services

The sixth module of the e-learning training package is entitled Guidance, Counselling and Support Services. It focuses on how experts (teachers, school directors, parents, anyone involved in the orientation choices) should help students to find out what they want to do and offer them a variety of choices when it comes to guidance and counselling, and also make students realize they are the actors of their own life.

05 May 2016 Mobility to Learn and Work

The module Mobility to Learn and Work focuses on how schools can motivate students to complete their school path in order to be ready for the job market through the exploitation of opportunities to study, carry out voluntary service and work experience abroad making use of mobility funding and cooperation initiatives.

02 May 2016 Innovative Entrepreneurial Experiences at Schools

The module Innovative Entrepreneurial Experiences at Schools focuses on initiatives and training to stimulate entrepreneurship among students, suggesting ideas to train entrepreneurial teachers, presenting entrepreneurial projects carried out in schools and proposing methods to create a network and to find funds.

25 April 2016 World of Work

The module World of Work focuses on the relation between the school world and the labour market, and what are the tools in both worlds that help young students to build their professional profile before entering the labour market.

18 April 2016 Capitalise on Pupils Interests and Skills

The module Capitalise on Pupils Interests and Skills focuses on how to unveil the interests and aptitudes of students, in order to plan and implement personalized educational paths and guidance services to valorise these talents through curricular and extracurricular activities and motivate the students to stay at school.

11 April 2016 Understading Pupils

The module Understading Pupils focuses on the psychological aspects to be addressed and taken into account to understand the pupils’ personal aptitudes and characteristics, to identify those aspects that must be considered to personalize their education path, motivation to study and the risk factors that can lead to the decision of abandoning school.

02 March 2016 Interviews with successful people

Successful people have been interviewed in all partners countries. Each interview aims at identify how the educational path supported them to exploit their talents.

15 February 2016 Third Partners Meeting

The third meeting took place in Zaragoza (ES) on 11 - 12 February 2016. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the second meeting of the project to present, share and assess the in progress results. The meeting also had the objective to make a detailed planning of the project future activities and to organize the project's work that will focus on the realization of the contetns of the e-learning package

28 January 2016 Interviews with successful employees

Successful employees have been interviewed in all partners countries. Each interview aims at identify how the educational path contributed to their success and whic are the competences they use more in their job.

31 December 2015 Interviews with successful entrepreneurs

Successful entrepreneurs have been interviewed in all partners countries. Each interview aims at identify how the educational path contributed to the success.Moreover the entrepreneurs highlights the characteristics they look for in new employees.

08 October 2015 Involvement as Associated Partners in the project

A number of associated partners officially joined the project in order to contribute to the improvement of the project impact on their target groups and to ensure the project sustainability by continuing using the project deliverables in the next years. They include no profit associations, NGOs, training institutions, universities, public authorities, etc. The information about all associated partners is available on the project portal under the Associated Partners section.

10 September 2015 Links to the School&Work Portal

Several educational web sites promoted the School&Work project through a dedicated link. The complete list of web sites promoting the School&Work Portal is available in the section Press Review.

16 July 2015 Second Partners Meeting

The second meeting took place in Paris on 9 – 10 July 2015. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the first meeting of the project to present, share and assess the in progress results. The meeting also had the objective to make a detailed planning of the project future activities and to organize the project's work that will focus on the realization of the interviews with successful people.

07 July 2015 Skills for the labour market

Knowledge, skills and competencies are the key element to succeed in today's workplace.
On the School&Work Portal secondary school students can select their knowledge, skills and competences and find out which job profiles are potentially more suitable for them.  

22 June 2015 Job Profiles

The most requested job profiles in the six partners countries are available on the project portal. For every profile, the related skills have been listed. Check out which is the most suitable job for you!

05 May 2015 Online Tests

Project partners, on the basis of the aptitude and skills test identified and reviewed produced the School&Work tests

12 tests have been designed in order to unveil students abilities and inclinations. The tests can be used directly by the student or they can be supported by teachers and counsellors for the analysis of the feedback provided by the tests.

01 April 2015 Database of Skills Tests

A skill is a learned ability to carry out a task. A collection of skill tests is available on the School&Work Portal.

Students and counsellors can support students in assessing their skills.

16 March 2015 Database of Aptitude Tests

An aptitude is a component of a competency to do a certain kind of work at a certain level, which can also be considered "talent".

A collection of aptitude tests is available on the School&Work portal. Try to find out your Talent!

09 February 2015 Database of skills and aptitude tests

Project partners are working on the creation of two databases. These will collect tests aiming to help teachers and counsellor to identify students’ skills and aptitude with the labour market prospective.

22 January 2015 Kick off Meeting in Florence

The kick off meeting took place in Florence on 22 – 23 January 2015 and it was the opportunity for the European project partners to present themselves and their activities, to discuss the activities to be carried out and to identify the main intellectual outputs to be produced.

02 December 2014 Transnational Network of Schools

The project partners are currently creating the network of schools interested in preventing early school leaving. Several schools have already been involved from six countries. Teachers and counsellors will work together with the project partners in order to develop synergies between school and labour market. Do not hesitate to contact them!

04 November 2014 The School&Work project

The School&Work project has been funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Strategic Partnership for School Education. The aim of the project is to facilitate the entrance in the labor market creating synergies between the school and the world of work.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.