Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Skills& Jobs

Homepage > Skills& Jobs > Entrepreneurship


This section provides access to:

- online courses to promote entrepreneurship

- crowdfunding plartforms to fund entrepreneurial ideas in different economic sectors.

The courses and platforms were identified and reviewed by the project experts and should be used by the students with the support of their teachers.

Online Courses
Title of Online Course Duration Language
A guide for the small business owner 30 minutes English, Spanish
Benefits vs. features 3 - 5 hours English, French, Spanish
Come avviare la mia impresa 4h and 30 minutes Italian
Come finanziare la mia idea 5h and 45 minutes Italian
Competitive advantage 30 minutes English
Customer relationship management 2 - 4 hours English, French, Spanish
Désir D’entreprendre 5 weeks (3 hours per week) French
Effective business websites 2 - 4 hours English, French, Spanish
Emprender en la escuela 2 hours Spanish
Enterprise! I want to know 1 - 3 hours English, French
Entreprendre Pour Apprendre One day to one year French
Entrepreneurial spirit 1 year French
Entrepreneurship 1 year English, Romanian
Entrepreneurship - Creating the Business 2-3 Hours English
Establishing values for your business 30 minutes English
Gestion de la relation clients 2 - 5 heures English, French, Spanish
Gestión de un plan de negocio – Management of a business plan 2 -5 hours Spanish
How to Build a Startup 1 month English
How to develop your own business 5 to 16 months Romanian
Introduction to pricing 30 minutes English, Spanish
IS Game 1 - 3 hours English, French
IS Game 1 - 3 heurs English, French
Juniors indépendants : vivre la vie d’un indépendant. Junior freelancers: living the life of a freelancer 10 days English, French
Juniors indépendants : vivre la vie d’un indépendant. 10 jours English, French, Spanish
L’Entrepreneuriat Qui Change Le Monde 4 weeks French
L’entreprise, je veux savoir! 1 - 3 heures English, French
Learning Initiatives for Entrepreneurs
Learning Initiatives for Entrepreneurs 1 - 3 heures English, French, Spanish
Market research 30 minutes English, Spanish
Mini-company 1 year French
Mini-Entreprise 1 year French
Mooc Effectuation 5 weeks French
Programa de miniempresas 15 weeks Spanish
Programme Esprit d'Entreprendre 1 année French
Sites Web efficaces 2 - 5 heures English, French, Spanish
Strumenti di supporto alla creazione di impresa 5h and 45 minutes Italian
Young Entrepreneurs: An Essential Guide to Starting Your Own Business 45 minutes English
Crowdfunding Platforms
Name of the Platform Initiatives supported Commercial Areas Language
CroFun No profit, Profit Events, Fashion, Food &Drink, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Sport, Tourism English, French
CroFun No profit, Profit Events, Fashion, Food &Drink, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Sport, Tourism English, French
Entrepreneurship promotion fund Profit Events, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas English, Lithuanian
Eppela Profit Events, New Ideas English, Italian, Spanish
Goteo No profit, Profit Events, Fashion, Food &Drink, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Sport, Tourism English, French, Italian, Spanish
Grow Ideas No profit Internet, New Ideas, Tourism English, Romanian
Indiegogo No profit, Profit Fashion, Food &Drink, IT and Computer, Sport English
Indiegogo No profit Events, Fashion, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas English
Invesdor No profit Events, New Ideas English
Kapipal Profit New Ideas English, Italian, Spanish
Kickstarter Profit New Ideas English, French, Italian, Spanish
Kickstarter No profit, Profit Events, Fashion, Internet English
My Major Company No profit, Profit Events, Fashion, Food &Drink, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Sport, Tourism French
MyMicroInvest Profit Events, Fashion, Food &Drink, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Sport, Tourism English, French
MyMicroInvest Profit Events, Fashion, Food &Drink, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Sport, Tourism English, French
Notre Petite Entreprise No profit, Profit Events, Fashion, Food &Drink, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Tourism French
Push - Fund and support creativity No profit Events English, French
Push/SMart No profit Events English, French
Safari Crowdfunding No profit, Profit Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Tourism English, French, Spanish
Symbid funding network No profit, Profit Events, Fashion, Food &Drink, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Sport, Tourism English
Ulule Profit Fashion, Food &Drink, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Sport English, French, Italian, Spanish
Ulule No profit, Profit Events, Fashion, Food &Drink, Internet, IT and Computer, New Ideas, Sport, Tourism English, French
Uniemprem No profit, Profit New Ideas English, Spanish
Comments on this section

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Date: 2016.04.13

Posted by Anne Degraeve - France

The contents are very detailed and might be a help to create educational projects on these issues.

Date: 2016.04.12

Posted by Yohan Heitz (student) - France

The database and online modules are good and they might give me the idea to start an initiative.

Date: 2016.02.25

Posted by S. Bandrés - Spain

Online courses can help my students to develop business ideas and to be aware of the business environment. This section is useful to complete some of my subjects with practical experiences.

Date: 2016.02.07

Posted by Marco Burini - Romania (Italy)

The databases of crowdfunding portals and online courses is the most attractive and well made. I know crowdfunding, I used it before, but I didn’t still find a portal online that resume a huge number of crowdfunding platform. There are for every kind of interest/business!!!

Date: 2016.01.03

Posted by Edita Rabizaite - Lithuania

The databases of crowdfunding platforms inspire our students to think about their future business.

Date: 2015.10.26

Posted by K.I. - Italy

Before reading the project portal, I really don’t know anything about crowfunding. So this database can in the next future help me to think about a new initiative .

Date: 2015.10.26

Posted by J.Z. - Italy

Really for me crowfunding is a new word. Surely is not easy to start a new initiative without resources of different kind ( money, ideas and so on) and surely database of the portal can help me in the next future.

Date: 2015.07.02

Posted by Petru Raducanu - Romania

This site is in line with my students ambitions and dreams. They talk about business and they know that getting funds is vital. I didn't know anything about Crowfunding. Thank you for this information. It sounds very convincing and .. doable. I'll access all the Crowdfunding sites with my students and we will take advantage of this opportunity.

Date: 2015.07.02

Posted by Lucretia Moruzi - Romania

My students are really very interesting in entrepreneurship. They are very creative and courageous. The site offers them courses to attend and good tips to follow on how to start their own business and how to get funds. Crowdfunding is a new concept they will like. Being informed is important nowadays. I'm sure they will take these chances.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.