Partners' Institution:
Name of the person involved in the event:
Christine Cloes, Julien Keutgen
Date of the event:
03 February 2016
Type of Dissemination event:
National Meeting
Description of Dissemination Event:
Meeting with the Belgian working group of School&Work. The meeting started with three presentations:
1) Accrojump by Georges Moussot, teacher: project to support educational team in preventing early school leaving in vocational education.
2) Bassin EFE by Aïcha El Bahi Idrissi, coordinator: work, priorities and objectives of the "Bassin EFE", new sections in schools, skills to develop, curricula considered as priorities in vocational education...
3) Entreprises d'entraînement pédagogiques (EEP) by Morad Tamir, project manager: EEP (pedagogical training enterprises or Business Simulation)are virtual ennterprises in vocational schools. Students manage virtually all aspects of a company (supplies, stocks and sales, invoices, VAT...) and present their "products" during one regional and one national fair. There are over 7000 EEP in forty-two countries around the world, and about 300 in Belgium
The group then discovered the video section of the S&W portal and the videos that have already been uploaded by Inforef.
Target group:
Public Bodies
Training Agencies
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Liège (Belgium)
Outcomes and Results:
The group discovered initiatives related to vocational training and the videos produced for S&W.
Supporting Documents: