Partners' Institution:
Name of the person involved in the event:
Christine Cloes
Date of the event:
04 March 2015 - 04 March 2015
Type of Dissemination event:
National Meeting
Description of Dissemination Event:
Workshop with the Belgian working group. The main topic was the relation between school and the world of work. Two external speakers made presentations:
1) Gaëlle Boulet, adviser to the Minister of Education, presented official initiatives to integrate the world of work in the educational project.
2) Amélie Dieu presented the activities of IPIEQ (Steering organisation of vocational education).
After the presentations, the project "School&Work" was addressed. The main objectives and the current and future activities were presented to the participants. They received a list and summaries of all the tests uploaded on the portal as well as the documents to involve schools.
The participants included:
Secondary school teachers and headteachers, higher education headteachers, counsellors, trainers, mediation services, health services, other educational and youth organisations.
Some noteworthy participants:
Three members of CEFA: CEFA is alternative training centre: vocational school students spend several hours a week working in a company.
An adviser to the Minister of education.
A member of "IPIEQ".
The assistant director of the pedagogical section of HELMo Sainte-Croix
Target group:
Public Bodies
Training Agencies
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Liège (Belgium)
Outcomes and Results:
The project was presented to key actors, including a representative of the Ministry of education and vocational schools and organisations. Contact were taken to involve schools as associated schools.
Supporting Documents: