Partners' Institution:
Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón (CREA)
Name of the person involved in the event:
Jorge Alonso, Elena Borobio
Date of the event:
03 February 2015 - 03 February 2015
Type of Dissemination event:
Transnational Meetings
Description of Dissemination Event:
The director (Mr. Marco Muzzarelli) and some of the staff of the vocational training organization “ENGIM Piamonte” from Italy (www.torino.engim.it), visited the CREA premises and received information regarding some of our training activities and European projects in which we have participated, with a special focus in the ones currently ongoing, including School&Work.
Target group:
Training Agencies
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Zaragoza (Spain)
Outcomes and Results:
They showed great interest in the project and asked for further information to be sent by email for a possible future collaboration.
Supporting Documents: