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Partners' Institution:
Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón (CREA)
Project's period (from/to):
01 December 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
2 - Toolkit “Skills to succeed in the job market”
Objectives of activities carried out:
The second intellectual output created by the project partners is the toolkit "Skills to succeed in the job market" that has been designed, implemented and made available to be used by school counsellors and teachers to plan and implement personalised guidance services to motivate students at risk of early school leaving to complete their studies, through the analysis of the skills that are fundamental to enter and succeed in the job market and that are provided at school.
Description of activities carried out:
CREA has evaluated the European Job Profile form, together with specialized staff from the Training and Employment Department of CREA, and has suggested Pixel some improvements.
After that, CREA has performed a desk research on the most requested job profiles in Spain. Subsequently, the ten job position most often needed in the Spanish market have been identified. With support of the Training and Employment Department of CREA information regarding skills, knowledges and competences required and appreciated for each of them has been included in the job profiles form.
On the 22nd June the most requested ten job profiles at national level have been uploaded to the School&Work website.
Another desk research has been made to identify tools and learning objects to promote entrepreneurial spirit among students. Three learning objects to promote entrepreneurial spirit among students were identified:
- Entrepreneurship at school. A programme of the regional government of Aragon for the training of future entrepreneurs among the Vocational Training and Secondary Education students.
- Minicompanies programme. Programme aimed at students from 16 to 19 years old willing to create a small company.
- Management of a business plan. A course that analyses the contents of a business plan (executive summary, business description, market survey, sales and marketing plan, operations plan, etc.).
Also, two Spanish crowd funding platforms were identified:
- Safari Crowdfunding: crowdfunding platform focused on business ideas in the Start up phase; Micro SMEs or SMEs to develop new projects that generate economic, technological, scientific, and employment growth.
- Uniemprem: crowdfunding platform, developed by the University of Valencia, with the financing of the Ministry of Education, under the Program of Integrated Assistance and Employability of the university students. Its purpose is to promote and encourage self-employment within the university community.
All these tools are available at School&Work website.
These five objects are available at the project website.
The job profiles and the crowdfunding platforms are being widely disseminated on CREA Twitter, and also in School & Work facebook.
CREA contacted Project participants to evaluate IO2 results. Partner has compiled the evaluations received from teachers, counsellors and students, and produced the evaluation report together with the main findings.
Presentation of some additional ideas to be added in the European Job Profile form.
Identification and publication of the most requested ten job profiles at national level.
Identification and publication of three learning objects to promote entrepreneurial spirit among students and two crowdfunding platforms to promote business ideas.
Evaluation report of the IO2 made with the 10 evaluations received from teachers, school counsellors and students.
The IO2 activities have been actively promoted through CREA dissemination tools, and also through Twitter and Facebook
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The activities have been carried out according to the project planning with good results.