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Partners' Institution:
Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón (CREA)
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
TA 2 - Dissemination
Objectives of activities carried out:
During the kick off meeting, partners agreed on a common dissemination strategy aiming to ensure an effective and constant promotion of the project. This objective will be reached through:
- Making the School&Work Portal accessible to the largest possible number of scientific school teachers in secondary schools (students aged 14 to 19), school counsellors, students, in particular those aged 14 to 17 when the risk of dropping out from school is higher
- Sharing the School&Work Portal and the results of the School&Work project with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing the School&Work Portal and the results of the School&Work project with the highest number of citizens
- Spreading the School&Work activities and results on the most popular Social Network (Facebook and Twitter)
Description of activities carried out:
CREA has presented the School&Work project to a big audience including groups of visitors to its headquarters, university and school teachers working with CREA in other European projects, and all of them showed great interest in the project and are willing to participate in different ways.
CREA created a banner together with the IT expert and included the project information in CREA's website, both in Spanish and English ( This section has a permanent link to School&Work Project website. At the section devoted to School & Work Project, CREA publishes any news related to the project and the topic of the Project, from European studies, to any Project progress.
CREA has contacted different stakeholders in order inform them about the project and its results, invite them to use project results and also to encourage them to include School&Work link on their websites to ensure project sustainability.
CREA has also translated the project brochure elaborated by Pixel into Spanish and it is being disseminated through different ways (CREA website, newsletters, etc.).
CREA is disseminating the project in the following events:
- Transnational meeting with the Vocational Training organization ENGIM Piamonte (Italy). 3rd February 2015.
- Permanent banner on CREA website. Since 22nd February 2015.
- National meeting with a Technical consultant at the Education Department of the Aragonese Government. 3rd March 2015.
- National meeting with the directive board of the Aragonese Association of Psychopedagogues. 9th March 2015.
- Article in CREA European Information Bulletin. 1st April 2015.
- Press release sent to main media. 13rd May 2015.
- Articles in newspapers (13rd and 14th May 2015).
- Radio interview. 14th May 2015.
- Information about School&Work project on CREA newsletter (CREAinforma). 19th May 2015.
- Informative mailing to Spanish participants on the project to inform them about the project evolution. 19th June 2015.
- Informative mailing to the Regional Development Agency of Aragon with information about the School&Work project. 29th June 2015.
- National meeting with the director of the Federation of Young Entrepreneurs of Aragon to introduce them to the Project (30th July 2015).
- Presentation of the School&Work Project at the final meeting of the EWC Project (Effective Writers & Communicators), a Lifelong Learning Project (Brighton 9th September 2015).
- Attendance as an exhibitor to the International Meeting AREX, a two-days fair combined with workshops (23 and 24 September 2015).
- Presentation of the School & Work Project to the members of the ACTIS consortium in Cuenca (10 and 11 October 2015, and 19th May 2016).
- Informative mailing to associated partners and participants´ schools to inform them about the evolution of the Project (27th November 2015, 10th May 2016 and 6th June 2016).
- Information, through CREAinforma newsletter, about the progress of the School & Work Project regarding the job profiles identified in partners countries and learning objects to promote entrepreneurial spirit among students. The newsletter is sent to aroung 30.000 subscribers.
- Presentation of the progress of the School & Work Project to the members of the ACTIS consortium in Ezcaraya (La Rioja).
- Article on CREA European Information Bulletin (fourth quarter of 2015). It includes information about the European Commission tools to promote entrepreneurship education and also about the progress of the School & Work Project, with special mention the collection of interviews.
- Press Release sent by CREA to main media (08/02/2016) about the video gallery (interviews to successful entrepreneurs, employees and people) and about the third partners´ meeting that was going to be held in Zaragoza.
- 7 Articles in newspapers and 2 in an online magazine (from 08 to 10 February 2016) informing about the project interviews and the third partners´ meeting.
- 5 radio interviews about the project (09 to 13 February 2016).
- Information about School&Work project on CREA newsletter (CREAinforma). 20/02/2016.
- Informative mailing to CREA networks (business associations, training centres, jobseekers, etc.) on 7th June and 29th July 2016.
- A conference at a national event "Jornadas de Innovación Docente" at San Jorge University. 15th July 2016.
- Presentation of the School&Work project at the kick-off meeting of the RATIO project. 31st June 2016.
Project information is reaching many stakeholders and users through different ways. Thus, the link to the project website has been published in the following websites:
CREA is receiving many enquiries about the Project thanks to the CREA website and CREAinforma newsletter.
On the other hand, CREA produced and sent to the project coordinator the best practice dissemination report.
CREA is constantly promoting School&Work activities through CREA Twitter (, and is also contributing to boost project presence of School & Work Twitter among European and education institutions.
Finally, CREA regularly publishes information on School & Work Facebook.
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
CREA is satisfied with the dissemination activities as they reach a large number of people.