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Partners' Institution:
Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón (CREA)
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
TA 3 - Exploitation
Objectives of activities carried out:
The project partners will be committed to carry out activities in order to promote the project sustainability. A sustainability plan will be adopted among the consortium aiming to:
• Promote the Portal through the exchange links with Portals addressing similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for teachers; portals containing job offers etc.)
• Promote it among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and promoting the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involve new members as associated partners
Description of activities carried out:
CREA has contacted different organizations and people to invite them to join the School&Work project as associated partners.
As a result of these contacts, Mr. Carlos Hué García, an Education consultant for the Aragonese Government, showed high interest in collaborating with the project. On 6th April, Mr. Carlos Hué became an associated partner of the project.
Then, on March 11th, CREA signed a collaboration agreement with the Aragonese Pychopedagogists Association. And in July 2015, the Federation of Young Entrepreneurs of Aragon became an associated partner.
More recently, the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Valencia became the fourth associated partner. The organization will contribute to the dissemination and exploitation of the School & Work project.
During the final months of the project three new institutions become associated partners; FUEIB - Fundació Universitat-Empresa from Palma joined the 27th April. Then, Forma Camera, the Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome signed the agreement on the 1st of August. And finally, FER (Federación de Empresas de la Rioja) joined the project the 2nd August 2016.
Finally, CREA is also promoting the School & Work website through different websites and stakeholders in order them to include a link to the Project.
During the 24 months of the project, CREA has involved in the project seven associated partners:
- Mr. Carlos Hué García, an Education consultant for the Aragonese Government;
- The Aragonese Pychopedagogists Association (Asociación Aragonesa de Psicopedagogía);
- The Federation of Young Entrepreneurs of Aragon, and;
- The Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Valencia;
- Forma Camera;
- FER.
Therefore, seven letters of participation in the project have been compiled. And the profiles of these seven associated partners have been published on the School & Work project website.
So far, CREA has promoted School&Work website through the links exchange with other portals:
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
So far, the results are as expected, and the partner will continue to promote the project and its results beyond project duration.