Work in Progress
This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
C.I.P.A.T. - Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
TA 1 - Management
Objectives of activities carried out:
The project management and coordination will be carried out throughout the project period and will ensure the correct development of the project activities and the achievements of the expected results.
The project management and coordination will involve all the project partners in the following activities:
• Participation to 4 transnational meetings of the steering committee
• Creation and update of the project website
• Report of ongoing activities and delivery of yearly mid-term and final reports
• Constant sharing of solutions and circulation of information via e-mails and Skype meetings
• Monitor of the project’s state of the art and verification of deadlines
Description of activities carried out:
CIPAT participated in the meeting organized by Pixel. CIPAT presented the project and together with Pixel proposed the main activities and shared the expected results. CIPAT has then constituted, with the schools involved in the project, a Regional Work Team. Together they have started to work on the development of the first product that will be completed by February 15, 2015.
31 March 2015:
-Has been completed: intellectual Ouput 1 "Identification of student potentials", allocated on portal n. 5 aptitude tests, n. 5 skills tests, n. 2 interactive wizard template.
-Pubblication of announcements on 2 websites addressed to teachers and school counselors (Cipat, Datini).
-Were carried out the activities planned for dissemination and exploitation.
-The activities were posted on Twitter and Facebook.
-Have set the tasks for intelletual output n. 2 "skills to succeed in the job market."
30 April 2015:
-The Regional Working Group conducted an online survey to identify the most popular profiles on the territory.
- Has been completed: intellectual Ouput 2- toolkit "Skills to Succeed in the Job Market", as it regards 10 job profiles
31 Jul 2015:
Production "Intellectual Output 1/2"
Final definition of "Intellectual Output 3/4"
31 October 2015:
Draft interim report
Login "output 3"
Conduct various dissemination activities
Experiments in class (Datini) materials Output 1
31 January 2016:
Production "Intellectual Output 3"
Video inclusion in the portal
30 April 2016:
Evaluation "Intellectual Output 3"
Production "Intellectual Output 4"
Inclusion in the portal
30 June 2016:
Preparation and organization of the final conference July 12, 2016
Administrative management activity and Financial Reports
31 August 2016:
Final Conference July 12, 2016
Administrative management activity and Financial Reports
In collaboration with the Regional Work Team, CIPAT has produced a draft Aptitude Test, a Skill Test and Wizard tests. All products have been translated into Italian. The final product is scheduled for February 15, 2015.
31 March 2015:
- Intellectual Ouput 1 "Identification of student potentials", allocated on portal n. 5 aptitude tests, n. 5 skills tests, n. 2 interactive wizard template.
30 April 2015:
- Analysis of the results of the online survey.
- Intellectual Ouput 2 toolkit "Skills to Succeed in the Job Market", allocated on portal n. 10 job profiles at national level. Profiles identified are:
Commessi delle vendita al minuto
Addetti a funzioni di segreteria ed affari generali
Camerieri e professioni assimilate
Conduttori di mezzi pesanti e camion
Contabili e professioni assimilate
Addetti all'assistenza personale
Cuochi in alberghi e ristoranti
Elettricisti nelle costruzioni civili e professioni assimilate
Analisti e progettisti di software
Meccanici e montatori di macchinari industriali e assimilati
30 June 2015
-upload of the job profiles on the Project portal
-after users ' evaluetion questionnaiers and collection of comments and testimonials on toolkit 1 Cipat prepared the evaluation report
- sending of informative mail to network of contacts
9 Jul 2015:
-Participation Paris meeting and planning new activities
31 October 2015:
- Evaluation report "Output 2"
- Interim Report
31 January 2016:
- Evaluation report "Output 3"
- Preparation "Intellectual Output 4"
30 April 2016:
-Comments of modules produced by partners
-Preparing evaluation "Output 4"
-Various administrative actions
30 Giugno 2016:
- Evaluation "Output 4" and "Output 5"
- Financial Report
31 August 2016:
- Final Conference July 12, 2016
- Drafting various final report
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
CIPAT followed the production of materials that are of good quality and verified compliance with the time.
During the meetings of dissemination we were expressed positive appreciation on project activities.