Work in Progress
This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
C.I.P.A.T. - Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
TA 2 - Dissemination
Objectives of activities carried out:
During the kick off meeting, partners agreed on a common dissemination strategy aiming to ensure an effective and constant promotion of the project. This objective will be reached through:
- Making the School&Work Portal accessible to the largest possible number of teachers teaching scientific subjects in secondary schools (students aged 14 to 19), school counsellors, students, in particular those aged 14 to 17 spell in which the risk of dropping out from school is higher
- Sharing the School&Work Portal and the results of the School&Work project with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing the School&Work Portal and the results of the School&Work project with the highest number of citizens
- Spreading the School&Work activities and results on the most popular social networks (Facebook and Twitter)
Description of activities carried out:
CIPAT informed the Board of Directors, made up of school headmasters and agencies responsible for training, about the project and the progress, then CIPAT contacted by mail 45 high schools and their teachers to present the project's objectives.
The project was presented in the following meetings:
-December 16 - final Conference School Safety Net. Present project partners SSN and n. 10 professional institutes of Tuscany. Participated Undersecretary Toccafondi the Italian Ministry of Education.
-March 9 - meeting the region, touring clubs and teachers hotel schools
-March 25 - meeting with 18 school inspectors Spanish
-March 26 - meeting operators INDIRE
-April 9 - Meeting CPIA (Provincial Centers Education Adults) Tuscany
-April 30 - Publication on the website of CIPAT results of the questionnaire for the identification of 10 professional profiles
-May 18 - Meeting in Florence with professors from Ghent (Belgium) visited the Consortium CIPAT.
-Jul 23 -Informative email to various training agencies for the use of the products.
-9 September - Trasnational meeting
-15 October - Training Seminar
-30 October - Informative mailing
-5 November- Training Seminar
-18 November - Training Seminar
-2 December - Training Seminar
-8 January - Training Seminar
-27 January - Training Seminar
-19 February - Informative mailing
-19 Febraury - News Letter
-25 February - Training Seminar
-14 March - National Meeting
-4 April - Informative mailing
-18 April - Conference
-1 July - Informative mailing
-12 July - Final conference
-July 2016 - The impact of the School & Work Project on the Institute “Francesco Datini” of Prato
Many teachers in Tuscany have been informed of the project and its objectives. An interesting number of teachers has expressed interest in participating.
The project was presented at national seminars and transnational
- The link to the project website has been uploaded on the Consortium CIPAT home page:
- The link to the project website has been uploaded on the Datini home page:
- The link to the project website has been uploaded on the Marconi home page:
- The link to the project website has been uploaded on the Polo Bianciardi home page:
- The link to the project website has been uploaded on theAICQ-TL home page:
- Evaluation and comments on the project products
- Best practice identification for relationship
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
Dissemination activities are satisfactory as they have reached a substantial number of people.