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Partners' Institution:
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2014 - 30 August 2016
Activity concerned:
1 - Toolkit “Identification of Student Potentials”
Objectives of activities carried out:
The first intellectual output created by the project partners is the “Identification of Student Potentials” Toolkit that will be designed, implemented and made available to be used by school counsellors and teachers to identify and highlight the interests, aptitudes, inclinations and potentials of the students in order to develop personalised guidance service to motivate them to stay at school and proceed their educational pathway towards the career and life style that might suit them the best in the future.
Within this the following activities are planned for each partner:
Selection and involvement of 8 teachers, 2 school counsellors and 30 students at risk of early school leaving
Collection of 5 operative tools to identify the students’ hidden potential. E.g. psychological questionnaires, aptitude tests
Collection of 5 operative tools to assess students existing skills. E.g. tests, assessment questionnaires etc
On the basis of the tool identified above, creation of 2 interactive wizard tests to guide the counsellors and teacher in unveiling the students abilities and inclinations
Dissemination of the intellectual output
Testing, by each partner, of the intellectual output with at least 2 school counsellors, 8 teachers and their students. Collection of the evaluation questionnaires and production of an evaluation report of the intellectual output 1.
Description of activities carried out:
The Lithuanian university of educational sciences carried out the following activities:
1.Meetings with the schools principals for the project presentation and invitation to join the project.
2.Translation and sending of the forms (got from PIXEL) to the schools willing to join the project.
3.Involvement of 10 schools, 11 counsellors, 24 teachers, 509 students and 205 students with fewer opportunities.
4.Support offered to the schools representatives for filling in the forms.
5. Permanent communication ( meetings, e- mailing,telephoning) with the target groups involved.
6.Online research on identifying operative tools to identify the students’ hidden potential.
7.Informative e-mails and face to face meetings with the teachers and school councellors.
8.Collection of data from the teachers and school councellors on the examples of aptitude tests for students
9.Online research on identifying operative tools to assess students existing skills.
10.Informative e- mailing to the teachers and school councellors on providing data on operative tools to assess students existing skills.
11.Translation of the forms for collecting skills tests content into the Lithuanian language.
12.Collection of data from the teachers and school councellors on the examples of skills tests for students.
13. Editing, translation, filling in and uploading of the tests, questionnaires on the project portal.
14. Meetings with the teachers and school councellors to present and discuss on the collected tests on skills and aptitudes for students and discussions on the tests they use in schools.
15.Activities to collect data and work on creation of interactive wizard tests to guide the counsellors and teacher in unveiling the students abilities and inclinations.
16.Activities to work together with teachers and school councellors to elaborate the content of the wizards.
17.Translation and filling in Interactive wizard template forms.
18.Translation of the project brochure into the Lithuanian language and distrbution of the brochure during variuos dissemination events.
19. Informative e - mails to the institutional network of contacts: schools, teachers, counselors, students, entrepreneurs to promote the project.
20.Testing of the intellectual output 1 with school counsellors, teachers and their students.
21.Collection of the evaluation questionnaires and production of an evaluation report of the intellectual output 1.
Acivities carried out and the targets achieved:
Activity 1.2: 10 schools, 11 counsellors, 24 teachers, 509 students / 205 students with fewer opportunities involved into the project;
Activity 1.3: Five aptitude tests elaborated and uploaded on the project portal.
Activity 1.4: Five skills tests created and uploaded on the project portal.
Activity 1.5: 2 interactive wizards created and uploaded on the project portal.
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
All the activities and tasks were carried out in due time. The numbers of teachers, counsellors and students to be involved in the project have been reached and exceeded.
Evaluation questionnaires for this section were submitted to the users and the evaluation report was submitted to the project coordinator.