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Partners' Institution:
C.I.P.A.T. - Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani
Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2014 - 31 August 2016
Activity concerned:
3 - Video Gallery of Testimonials on the Importance of School Education
Objectives of activities carried out:
Video Gallery of Testimonials on the Importance of School Education including:
Online collection of interviews with successful entrepreneurs
Online collection of interviews with successful employees
Online collection of interviews with VIP
Description of activities carried out:
Progetto School&Work
The realization of videos
The realization of videos related to the stories of entrepreneurs, employees and successful people, was conducted with the full involvement of pupils in a class fifth technical address of Polo Bianciardi graph. The idea behind the involvement was to prepare the materials to be used for the prevention of drop-out situations, just by comparison and also technical help of the students, discussing with them the significance of the interviews and the elements that They were more important in their eyes.
Since the design of alternating training courses, the class was involved in video creation process in four stages:
realization interviews
implementation of debriefing
final assembly
The work has been agreed with the Manager and the managers for school work alternation of the school, in order to obtain information on the implementation of alternation in the school.
The initial phase was carried out in the classroom with teacher support; They were shared content and objectives of the School & Work project, in particular by explaining the nature of the product to be made and the target to which it was intended. the questions to be submitted to the people to interview, explaining the good guys the kind of response expected and the effects that such responses could make in terms of tips and insights to be addressed to students, a little younger than they have been analyzed in possible conditions for education uncomfortable.
After analyzing the traces of interviews is the output in Verona was organized on the occasion of the trade fair and the orientation of the work "Job & Orienta", the most important at national level, with many opportunities to meet you, as well as providing insights for interviews , they constituted a potential for information and comparison for kids who, attending the fifth grade, are in the process of exit from education.
For output has been identified, on a voluntary basis, a group of six students, with the facilities of the school, took turns in the role of interviewers and cameramen.
"Job & Orienta" has provided many opportunities to meet; They were carried out 12 interviews, trying to represent the variety of the world of work, sectors and organizational methods. Young entrepreneurs and employees with traditional or innovative work in areas closer to those of the students (creation of games, cosplayer, acrobatic barman, chef), traditional realities of the food industry (confectionery and food products), social sector, new services (media sector promotion services). It has also been chosen to interview a person who was perhaps the most important Italian reality of volunteering, Emergency, to highlight that the scope of non-formal skills acquisition is not confined to the work but also invests the commitment in the community that contributes to the creation of skills that, in the case of the person you met was an employee of a bank, they are useful in their work.
The interviews have been completed in Grosseto with another group of the same class guys who made the last three interviews.
The interviews have been viewed by involving the whole group class and triggering a discussion on the most important issues raised by the vision. The stimulus was given to the boys was to think about what they could "take home" from the interview, trying to reflect with them on issues that had affected them most and who would, likewise, could make an impression even on their companions, once completed the videos and used for the purposes of the project. This debriefing was recorded and entered in the appendix to the video, such as underlining content of the video.
The video was then completed with the final editing and translation.
- Collection of 10 users’ evaluation questionnaires
- Sending evaluation report
- Collection of 5 comments on the intellectual output
- Collection of 2 testimonials
Successful entrepreneurs
1. Antonello Delogu (orafo)
2. Riccardo Fedi (comunicazione e guida sicura)
3. Enrico Spedo (tecnologie per le scuole)
4. Elisa P. (pasticcera)
5. Marco de Palma (proprietario Salsamenteria - ristorante)
Successful employees
1. Pietro Meulli (Gruppo Ferrarini)
2. Michele Stroppa (Emergency)
3. Benedetta Merola (Valemour - cooperativa del terzo settore per l'inserimento di persone affette da sindrome di down)
4. Elia Ferrigato (Barman)
5. Daniele Volcan (Batterista)
1. Diego Fanni (cosplayer)
2. Nicola Michieletto (chef)
3. Alessandro Menegotti (videogiochi)
4. Aurelio Verdi (progettazione tavole da surf e windsurf)
5. Carolina Casini (wedding planner)
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The activities have been carried out according to the project planning with good results.
Evaluation through the questionnaires was very good