Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Skills& Jobs

Homepage > Skills& Jobs > Entrepreneurship > Crowdfunding Platforms


This section provides access to:

- online courses to promote entrepreneurship

- crowdfunding plartforms to fund entrepreneurial ideas in different economic sectors.

The courses and platforms were identified and reviewed by the project experts and should be used by the students with the support of their teachers.

Back to the Crowdfunding Platforms List

Name of the Platform
Indiegogo empowers people around the world to fund what matters to them. As the largest global crowdfunding platform, campaigns have launched from almost every country around the world with millions of dollars being distributed every week due to contributions made by the
Indiegogo community. At its core, Indiegogo is an open platform dedicated to democratizing the way people raise funds for any project – creative, entrepreneurial or cause-related.The platform gives tips on how to organise a campaign in order to make any idea a reality through crowdfunding. Indiegogo empowers people to activate the global community to make ideas happen and then, it helps people to promote their ideas.
Web site:
Language of the Platform:
Initiatives supported:
No profit
Minimum contribution to be requested:
Research your expenses and make sure you understand how much it will cost to realize your project. If you are offering physical perks, make sure to take their cost into account (including shipping). Make sure your goal is realistic. You should be able to raise 30% from within your own network (friends, family, etc).
Area Covered:
Maximum Duration in days:
Longer campaigns don’t necessarily mean people will raise more money. The longer the campaign, the harder it is to build a sense of urgency and maintain funding momentum. 40-day campaigns are most successful. Participants must make sure to leave two weeks between the end of their campaign and the date they need the funds.
Registration Fee:
It is free to sign up, to create a campaign, and to contribute to a campaign. When the campaign raises funds, Indiegogo charges a 9.0% fee on the funds people raise. If they reach their goal, they get 5.0% back, for an overall fee of 4.0%.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.