Skills Tests
These tests assess the students' skills.
These tests, identified and reviewed by the project experts, should be used by teachers and school counsellors to support students in the identification of their skills.
A skill is a learned ability to carry out a task.
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Title of Test:
Skills Search
Skills Addressed:
Communication in the mother tongue
Communication in a foreign language
Mathematical literacy and basic competences in science and technology
Digital competence
Interpersonal and civic competences
Cultural expression
Website of the Test
Name of Author(s):
U.S. Department of Labor by the National Center for O*NET Development
Language/s of the tool:
O*NET OnLine is an application that was created for the general public to provide broad access to the O*NET database of occupational information.
The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests associated with occupations. This information can be used to facilitate career exploration, vocational counseling, and a variety of human resources functions, such as developing job orders and position descriptions and aligning training with current workplace needs.
Information in O*NET is available for over 900 occupations. Each occupational title and code is based on the 2010 version of the Standard Occupational Classification system.
Businesses and human resources professionals use O*NET to:
Develop effective job descriptions quickly and easily.
Expand the pool of quality candidates for open positions.
Define employee and/or job-specific success factors.
Align organizational development with workplace needs.
Refine recruitment and training goals.
Design competitive compensation and promotion systems.
The user can choose between skills from six group of skills:
- Basic Skills: Developed capacities that facilitate learning or the more rapid acquisition of knowledge
- Complex Problem Solving Skills: Developed capacities used to solve novel, ill-defined problems in complex, real-world settings
- Resource Management Skills: Developed capacities used to allocate resources efficiently
- Social Skills: Developed capacities used to work with people to achieve goals
- Systems Skills: Developed capacities used to understand, monitor, and improve socio-technical systems
- Technical Skills: Developed capacities used to design, set-up, operate, and correct malfunctions involving application of machines or technological systems
and then the selected skills are compared to skill ratings for each occupation Occupations matching all your selected skills are shown first, followed by those matching all but one of your selected skills, and so on.
Tags or Key Words:
Basic Skills, Problem Solving, Management, Social, Technical
Translation of the test:
Partners' Institution:
Fundația EuroEd