Lifelong Learning Programme

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Test Online

These tests identify students’ abilities and inclinations.


These tests, produced by the project experts, should be used by teachers and school counsellors to support students in the identification of their abilities and inclinations with the purpose to support their motivation and future employability.

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Title of Test:
My multiple intelligences
This test is used with 4th year students (16 years old) in a technical and vocational school (middle secondary school) including some at risk of early school leaving.

The theory of multiple intelligences suggests that everyone has some form of distinct intelligences in varying proportions. The shapes of these intelligences, their relative strength points and the ways and the ease with which we can modify them, they vary from person to another.
In particular, in this test are considered and measured 8 kinds of different intelligences:

Linguistic: the intelligence of words. Verbal intelligence is related to the intellectual quotient. A gifted student easily uses the written and oral language, quickly comprehends a text, produces texts that are elaborate for their age.

Logical and Mathematical: the intelligence of numbers, often associated to the intellectual quotient. It can manifest itself in various ways: analysis, synthesis, logical reasoning, calculations…

Spatial and Visual: often related to art, it helps architects, photographs, filmmakers, geographers… It is associated to a good visual memory, an acute sense of observation, a good spatial representation.

Musical: the intelligence of melody, rhythm… Children who have developed this intelligence understand its language (symbols and music terms), are sensitive to tones, harmony, the rhythms of sounds in music as well as in speech. They sing, play an instrument, create music…

Interpersonal: the ability to enter and comprehend other people’s interiority. It helps psychologists, politicians, salesmen, councillors etc. Students demonstrate this form of intelligence when they have good relations with others, manage conflicts, listen, help, take responsibilities for a group…

Intrapersonal: often related to the previous one, it is the aptitude to understand one’s needs, strengths, weaknesses, states of mind. The gifted child is very sensitive, sometimes emotional and curious to better themselves.

Naturalist: it helps know the flora and fauna without difficulties, recognise species and have a great sense of observation. The gifted child is sensitive to nature, its beauty, its usefulness and phenomena.

Kinaesthetic and Corporal: it has four axes: body expression (dancer, mime…), learning through handling, manual ability and dexterity (designer, surgeon, mechanics…), and physical exercises (sport, trainers…). Teenagers who have a good coordination use body language a lot and think in movements.

For each statement, the student will select an answer and report the number in the first table under the questions. The results are explained in the profiles.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.