Partners' Institution:

Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2015 - 31 August 2016

Activity concerned:
4 - E-Learning Package

Objectives of activities carried out:
The fourth intellectual output of the project is the e-learning based training package for teachers and counsellors on how to deal with students at risk of early school leaving and motivate them to continue and complete their educational path at school, by identifying their attitudes and specific skills, and motivating them to study by giving evidence to the importance of acquiring the transversal skills that are required by the companies and recruiting services.

Description of activities carried out:
Pixel, in cooperation with the project promoter, developed the following form:
- 4.A – Training Course Structure Template.doc
The form has been presented during the second meeting and will be used by the partners for the development of the training course modules.
Pixel together with CIPAT also developed the index of the entire course. The index has been presented during the second partners meeting, it has been approved and the partners will use it in order to develop and produce the contents of the training course.
Pixel produced the contents for the module related to Mobility and Work, participated to the online discussion on the others module and produced the final version of module 5. Pixel prepared and took care of the layout of the module for the online version.
Pixel is in charge to verify the fulfilling of partners' tasks according to the deadlines commonly agreed and to remind them in case of delays.
Pixel disseminated the School&Work project during many national activities and transnational meeting involving people belonging to School&Work project target groups. A number of educational stakeholders has been made aware of the start of School&Work project, its aims and, in particular, about the activities foreseen by the third Intellectual Output. Beyond face-to-face dissemination events, Pixel spread information about School&Work project through the Internet and, in particular, on the Facebook page of the project.

The form is available on the project portal and it will be useful in order to simplify partners' tasks and to make partnership's results uniform.
The index of the training course has been produced and used by the partners to produce the contents of the modules.
All modules are available online and teachers and students have the possibility to use and post comments about them.
People reached by Pixel dissemination declared themselves interested in School&Work activities, they are curious about the future results and asked to be kept informed on the development of the project.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The work has been carried out according to the planning phase.