A collection of tests is available to be used by school counsellors and students to assess aptitudes and skills.
This section offers the access to a collection of tools to guide the students to choose their professional carrier.
What is the secret of success? This section might offer you an answer
Six training modules are available for school teachers and counsellors to provide them with the skills to guide students in their professional carrier.
The School&Work project has been promoted trough conferences and articles.
This section of the School&Work portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.
Homepage > Testimonials
Testimonials from the participants in the School&Work project.
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Monica M.Teacher Italy |
I believe that the world is full of interesting content to support teachers and people working in schools in order to share: projects and methodologies; training insights, events; conferences and articles documentation specific to students who need new stimuli and motivation: tests can support the student teachers orientation. The part of the tests and questionnaires, with particular emphasis to the Online test is easy to administer and provides immediate clues to understanding how and how much support the student orientation. The tests together with other guidance activities are intended to highlight certain aspects of the personality of the individual sometimes less obvious, but equally important in the process of choice. Tests on the website are an important tool-school career guidance for greater self-knowledge and also allow to programm guidance actions specific to each subject. Also interesting is the part devoted to the Job Profiles in six different countries. The part dedicated to the video where you can listen to the stories of successful entrepreneurs, employees of success, successful people is really stimulating and support to increase student motivation and awareness of the skills required in the workplace. Very often students, especially those who are struggling at school, see the formation and work as two completely separate entities, such as parallel lines, destined to never meet .. How many times I have I heard students say "To Stage'll do fine! The school does not like it. " Surely a greater proximity of the contents and the use of diverse training methods would favor the union of these two "worlds Educate teaching a job." Both in schools and in the work, the crucial point is always the person, and the real problem is what to call it a work by exploiting its capabilities, in a constructive relationship with a reality that can change very quickly. Experience work as a "study" and the study as a "work" is the challenge that is worth collecting, still further compare these two worlds, building a subsidiarity can! The world is moving in this direction, supporting tools for an "orientation heard" which also helps students with greater difficulty in assessing their skills, their resources and capabilities in order to invest in training and work. Life experiences help us to understand and motivate students. The educational insights, conferences, articles allow you to have more tools to help the young trainees to understand and pursue their goals. Help teacher, the guidance counselor, the school counselor to have depth and comparison tools to support the young with responsibility and competence in the identification and consolidation of educational and career choices. |
Ilaria MarcelloTeacher italy |
I firmly believe that the schools must make progress to accommodate the students in highly participatory training programs and projected into the world of work, even using tools such as the following portal full of interesting content to support teachers in the daily sharing of projects full breath. To this end, the portal presents this in-depth material very useful for global thinking, but in my opinion is lacking on the peculiarities of the local environment (specifically Italian). I also found an important limitation in the ability to track down the text in pdf format for each topic in French. The same portal is only available in English only, not suitable for all teachers and all students. I found the part relating to the training insights very interesting to be able to use in my professional career, possibly shared with other professionals involved in the training path that I am following at the time as a tutor, but can not deny the difficulties encountered in the use of the material. Apart from the linguistic limit of which I have already given directions above to be able to easily use the material, for my part I expected to find a package formativocon much concrete guidance and little theoretical. Also I would have included in the training package also specific studies with respect to learning disorders that always occur more in the Italian educational reality at the time. |
Alexandra MasgrasStudent Romania |
The test section allows students to discover their interests and personality traits – both essential points to consider when choosing a career. The feedback given is comprehensive and helps students understand their strengths in terms of skills and aptitudes. Also, the fact that some of the tests are available in several languages makes them accessible to a large number of students regardless of foreign language skills. |
Elza GheorghiuTeacher Romania |
The module “Capitalise on pupils interests and skills” is very useful because enables teachers to recognise students’ interests and skills by providing them with tools including useful information on skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests which can be associated with occupations/jobs. The collection of tests, which can be used by both schools and students to assess skills and aptitudes, the solid and reliable data base with aptitude and skill tests created in previous European projects as well the profiles of the most researched jobs in the six project countries will definitely enable teachers to improve quality of the job orientation services and experiences in their schools. Each selected job outlines its main tasks, identifies required qualifications, workload, knowledge, skills, competences, experience as well as personal aptitudes needed. By helping students identify their most appropriate professional career the kit becomes a useful tool in motivating them to complete school. |
Alexandra MasgrasStudent Romania |
The test section allows students to discover their interests and personality traits – both essential points to consider when choosing a career. The feedback given is comprehensive and helps students understand their strengths in terms of skills and aptitudes. Also, the fact that some of the tests are available in several languages makes them accessible to a large number of students regardless of foreign language skills. |
Olivier RemelsTeacher Belgium |
This site gathers very relevant guidance tools, which usefully completes the informative and guidance work of traditional [Belgian] stakeholders: CPMS, Cités de Métiers, WorldSkills, MonEcoleMonMétier, SIEP, etc. which represents a goldmine of useful information. |
Anca ColibabaDirector Romania |
The clear types of questions and the 50 items section that identifies the profile of the learner. Knowledge, skills and competences are essential ingredients for an efficient and effective professional. The matrix of this triad and its intersection with a corresponding job profile is very relevant for any young person in search of a suitable job. I also consider important the level of motivation and the type of attitude the person shows towards work in general and in respect to a specific work place in particular. I look forward to more resources this portal offers. |
Aneta NarkevicCounsellor Lithuania |
The online tests section is helpful in identifying students’ skills and aptitudes. It is a modern and relevant tool useful for teachers and counsellors in developing personalised guidance service for students. The Portal is professionally designed and highly informative. I would highly recommend using it in all schools. |
Aneta NarkevičTeacher Lithuania |
The Skills and job section is relevant and useful as it provides information for us and students about the most required jobs in the market, about skills and competences needed to succeed in the market. |
Beata Višniak-BakšienėCounsellor Lithuania |
Modern, well structured and relevant portal useful for us – counsellors in implementing personalised guidance service for students. |
Berta AmellaTeacher Spain |
It is a useful tool for students who want to know better their skills and to get an idea about their strengths and weakness. |
Carlesi IreneTeacher Italy |
The tests’ questions of “Identification of Student Potentials” are simple and concise and no difficulty was found in completing them, if done before starting the course they can really help in orientating one’s choice. |
Christophe BrankartTeacher Belgium |
The tests are varied. They are a good base to work on (re)guidance of students in difficulty during a training session. The tests help better know oneself and know what can improve learning. |
Andreea IonelTrainer Romania |
The project provides teachers and counsellors with valuable e-training material they need in order to help their students. In addition, students have access to self-assessment tools which enable them to measure their skills and identify future learning/ career paths. The interviews uploaded on the project platform are a valuable resource and can create opportunities for students to get actively involved in their own development. The stories support the idea that learning is a lifelong endeavour which young people should pursue all their lives. They provide meaningful, real-life learning experiences which can help students make the right decisions for their future. The materials are rich in personal experience, which gives good food for thought, encourages discussions and gives excellent examples to follow. The inspiring examples presented will undoubtedly increase students’ motivation to learn, complete their education in order to reach their potential in life. |
Cristina SmirnovTeacher Romania |
I have found the test section very useful to me and my students. These tests can help my students assess many factors (besides general skills) which are very important in terms of choosing their career path. They can assess their ability to problem solve, reason, write coherently and get along with others, which are also very important. |
Cristina VatamanuSchool Counsellor Romania |
The section is accessible and rich in interesting tests. It is good to have so many on one site. The test section is accessible and easy to follow and understand. I particularly liked its colours, graphics and structure. |
Georgiana TudoseStudent Romania |
Online testes are very good because when we become confused in choosing careers, they can help us. They can orient us toward something new that is suitable for us or something we haven’t thought of. I did some of the tests and I found them valuable, insightful and interesting. To my knowledge aptitude tests measure an individual’s innate strengths. If they are combined with a follow-up discussion with teachers and counsellors they will help us with the carrier identification. |
Gianni ZucchettiStudent Italy |
The main strength of the tests section is that they can be really effective in helping students in discerning the best school for them and their consequent future. Path tests are helpful in organizing one’s study carrier and in detecting students’ aptitudes and skills. |
Giorgiana – Alexandra MaxineanuSchool Counsellor Romania |
I have found the test section useful and suitable for my students’ needs. The information is accurate and useful. Generally speaking the section is student friendly. |
Gongeanu AncaStudent Romania |
The strongest point is the section “Skills and Jobs” because it is easy to access and it offers many alternatives of jobs according to individual skills. There is a lot of reliable information I can use. I’ll definitely invite my friends to access this site. |
Jean-Marc DelbovierTeacher Belgium |
The tests are relevant. They can help students as well as teachers in the framework of “help to success”. |
M. T.Counsellor France |
I believe it is always useful to have a support, in order to deal with the sensitive issue of guidance for young people. This is what I found in that portal. Procedures are clear and the results are well-developed. |
M. T.Counsellor France |
The simple and intuitive interface allows users to switch easily from one heading to another. The multilingual access is also a strong point. The data from the tests allow school counsellors and teacher to enter into a meaningful discussion with students. |
Monica CotofanDirector Romania |
The section is informative and clear. The tests are fairly accurate in assessing students’ strengths and weaknesses. They offer greater insight into the student’s potential for success. Aptitude tests can afford the students an opportunity to examine the types of skills the job calls for. It is very important that the students feel that they will be the right fit for the job. Such tests work on their self-confidence. They confirm their expectations. |
Neringa SakinieneTeacher Lithuania |
The toolkit” Identification of students potentials” comprising various types of questionnaires giving straight, immediate feedback is really valuable for students in planning their career. It is very useful for teachers and counsellors in consulting and motivating students to learn and to meet the needs of the labour market. The toolkit is easily accessible and well structured. |
Neringa ŠakinienėTeacher Lithuania |
The Test and the Skills&Job sections of the portal highlight the consistency between the skills required by the labour market and those provided by school education. That’s so important. |
Nina ZemaitelieneCounsellor Lithuania |
I do believe that there are lots of strong points in the test section. Firstly, these tests are practical as they provide immediate feedbacks. These tests provide opportunity for students to explore their skills and experience them in greater depth. Secondly, the results can be analysed more ‘scientifically’ and objectively as results can be used to compare and contrast other results, and may be used to measure progress or changes of an individual student. |
Nina ŽemaitelieneCounsellor Lithuania |
The toolkit “Skills and Jobs” helps me to plan and implement personalised guidance services to motivate students to complete their studies, especially those who are at risk of early school leaving. It is an easily accessible and well-structured toolkit. |
Oksana KietavičienėCounsellor Lithuania |
The digital database illustrating the job profiles, that are most requested at national and at European level, is really relevant and useful for teachers and students. |
P.A.Teacher France |
This portal is easier to use and extremely clear when making selections. I found very useful tests to deal with vocation orientation of students at risk of early school leaving. All test data allow teachers and school counsellors to get an idea of what students could do in their future job. It is therefore important to use it before talking in person with the student. |
Pamela PelagalliTeacher Italy |
I found the material “Identification of Student Potentials” of the S&W project very interesting. Tests are easy to be completed thanks to their conciseness and clarity. Potential profiles are evenly distributed. Questions are clear and easy to understand. |
Poggianti CorinnaTeacher Italy |
The materials in the toolkit ""Identification of Student Potentials"" project S & W are very useful to teachers. The test is easy to fill in for both the brevity that for the clarity of the questions. The distribution of the items is appropriate relatively to the various profiles taken into account |
Ramona CirsmariTeacher Romania |
I believe that teenagers and even young adults are very keen in finding their “true call”, their identity, their strengths and weaknesses. The results of the intelligence tests, grouped in Overall Evaluation, Clerical aptitude, Graphic-digital aptitude and Mechanical aptitude can give the students a clear direction as to where their abilities lie. |
Reiza ZinkevičienėDirector Lithuania |
The databases of crowdfunding platforms inspire our students to think about their future business. |
Roger LesageTeacher - Counsellor Belgium |
During my career (first as a teacher then as a counsellor), I have developed project to improve the relation schools and companies. I contributed to the implementation of sandwich courses (school-company) in our region. Therefore I am convinced that the tools proposed by the School&Work portal are useful, for they will strengthen the initiatives education authorities have already taken and will keep developing. |
Santiago LazaTeacher Spain |
There is a lot of information, and sometimes you get lost and it is not possible to find the ideal test for your activity. But once you find it, it helps to reinforce your activity with students. |
Stefan ColibabaTeacher Romania |
In my opinion the usefulness of this site lies in the wide range of tests posted so that students and teachers can choose what is most suitable for them. Level of instructions is appropriate to testees’ age and language competence |
Toma GrabauskaiteCounsellor Lithuania |
A sufficient variety of test types. Test results in most cases match the student's profile. Useful tool for counsellors and teachers in providing personalised guidance service for students. |
Virginia LezáunStudent Spain |
I like the most the database of skills tests. It helps me to better know me. It is very complete, and you can access a lot of tests from only one source of information. |
Christophe BrankartTeacher Belgium |
This website is a wonderful platform for a student who wants a (new) guidance and for the people who wish to advise them. |
Catherine Van GyseghemCounsellor Belgium |
I think the strengths of the portal are the clarity of the profiles and the common structure. |
Jean-Marie BarbetteCounsellor Belgium |
I think the strengths of this section lie in the possibility to structure job profiles and necessary skills to acquire. This, though, provided that the “searcher” is coached because the generalised use of English can be a real obstacle. |
M.M.Teacher Italy |
The videos are really well structured and useful for the students who need help in their educational path |
L. LuongoTeacher Italy |
The Project Portal is well structured and offers many opportunities to start a discussion with other teachers and students. It is very interesting the section dedicated to test on line, really interesting for all actors in the school to understand pupils and their motivation. |
Anca ConstantinRomania | Videos inspire students not to abandon school before completing their educational path because shows examples that are positive and real. The advice given is not imposed on them it comes as a reflection on life: Stay young, be responsible, curious and restless, with a desire to learn. The advice entrepreneurs give focuses on following one’s dreams and staying in tune with changes: Do what they like and stay updated; curiosity keeps us updated with what is going on around us. Education is important in pursuing one’s dreams and reaching one’s potential. |
Christine CloesDirector Belgium |
The material is particularly rich (diversity of professional areas and countries). The decision to make very short videos (6-8 minutes) is judicious given the target audience: young people prefer images than texts, their attention span is short. |
Gina BetTraining manager Belgium |
The strengths of the videos are the speakers’ authenticity, the spontaneity and credibility related to the speakers’ frankness and experience. |
Isabelle MarxTeacher Belgium |
Collège Sainte-Véronique has tried for many years to raise students’ awareness about entrepreneurship, through visits, playful simulations, meeting with professionals of various areas... We also try to help our students choose their higher education path. Therefore the project perfectly fits our approach. Our upper secondary school students have the possibility to attend a preparation course for higher education in which they can improve their communication skills, and run projects that can that can be beneficial for their path and their CV. We have thus worked for many years with Inforef and have participated in several European projects. The School&Work project naturally found a place in our programme. |
Katia P.Teacher Italy |
The Project Portal in all sections is really clear and offers many opportunities to start a discussion with other teachers and students. The Portal covers all aspects of connection between school and work. |
Luana PalumboTeacher Italy |
The most interesting training module is the one about “Understanding Pupils” because it offers an exhaustive explanation of how to approach students at risk, or not sure about the training path or future. The package appear strictly connected with the section of the Portal about Job Profiles and video gallery. |
Lucretia MoruziTeacher Romania |
It is so good to see that students can receive support in their process of self-understanding. As school representatives, these testimonials come in as real aids to helping the students better understand whether they are good at a more technical job or excel at social skills and so on. The very good and comprehensive results they get after following the project are really nice incentives for the users to pursue a certain direction of interest. I also truly appreciate that the videos focus on a complex and multilateral evaluation of a person, not just from a purely “abilities” only point of view, but also show their further aspects such as spatial abilities, personalities or multiple intelligences. These are all key factors that can decide a person’s career orientation. |
M.M.Teacher Italy |
The Project Portal is well structured and offers many opportunities to start a discussion with other teachers and students. It is also interesting the training package, especially the section of mobility, really interesting for all actors in the school. |
Martine PrignonBelgium | The strengths of the video gallery are the array of occupations and the presentation through image, which fits a young audience. The strengths of the training package are the best practices and resources they contain. |
Ramona CirsmariDirector Romania |
The videos rely on real stories; they are credible. Students need examples in their life; sometimes people who are not family, relatives or friends make better examples. Students rarely encounter positive examples; these videos may show them an alternative to what they are exposed to. |
Salvatore SalvoTeacher Italy |
The most interesting training module is the one about “Innovative Entrepreneurial Experiences at Schools” because it offers an exhaustive explanation of how the labour market works, of the great possibilities offered by the European Union for those who want to start international commercial relationships with foreign partners. |