Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Homepage > Training > World of work

The module focuses on the relation between the school world and the labour market, and what are the tools in both worlds that help young students to build their professional profile before entering the labour market.

World of work

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Chapter 3: Experiences at school leading to a job profile 10
Entrepreneurship education
The European Commission Thematic Working Group on Entrepreneurship Education defined entrepreneurship education as learners developing the skills and mind-set to be able to turn creative ideas into entrepreneurial action. This is a key competence for all learners, supporting personal development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employability.

Entrepreneurship skills involve a full range of competences needed to adapt to a constantly changing economy and competitive labour market, such as an entrepreneurial mind-set, creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, languages or communication.

From a business-oriented perspective, the first objective of entrepreneurship would be to instil the notion in young people that it is possible for them to become an entrepreneur and set up their own business; and the second one, would be to equip them with the necessary skills to carry this out. But the entrepreneurship education has a second perspective, a citizen-oriented one, which is focused on equipping young people with very useful skills that allow them to grow as citizens and to be fully integrated in the society, knowing how to solve problems, and valuing entrepreneurs’ activity.

Promoting entrepreneurship in Europe has been a core objective of the European Union ever since the Lisbon European Council decided in March 2000 to improve the EU’s performance in the areas of employment, economic reform and social cohesion.

More recently, the European Commission has incorporated the promotion of entrepreneurship into its Europe 2020 strategy, which recognizes entrepreneurship and self-employment as one of the key enablers of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Online Resources
  • Online courses to promote entrepreneurship Collection of courses to promote entrepreneurships, mainly among young students.
  • Entrepreneurship educationSection of the DG Growth of the European Commission where explain the importance of the entrepreneurship education and the actions the European Commission is taken to support in among the European Union.
  • Entrepreneurship Education at School in Europe - 2016 EditionThis report provides information on strategies, curricula and learning outcomes of entrepreneurship education in each country, and also covers themes such as funding schemes and teacher education.
  • Entrepreneurship in the EU and beyondFindings of the survey carried out in the 27 Member States of the EU and in Croatia, Island, Israel, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Brazil, Russia, the United States, China, India, Japan and South Korea between.
  • JA EuropeJA Europe is a provider of education programmes for entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy. This network covers all levels of education ensuring progression in entrepreneurship education from primary school to higher education.

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Date: 2016.09.13

Posted by Jūratė Grigaitytė - Lithuania

This part is relevant because it helps and motivates professional teachers to help students discover themselves and find the right workspace. This is relevant because the lack of motivation is characterized by not only students but also teachers. It is relevant, clearly presented and structured.

Date: 2016.09.02

Posted by Christine CLOES - Belgique

I would like to highlight another important key role of the company tutor who can help the student identify his/her professional profile. Supporting the student during all the internship lifetime, the company tutor can help the student become aware of his/her strengths and weaknesses, which is one of the most difficult tasks for the student!

Date: 2016.07.07

Posted by Elizabeth David - France

The module about the world of work is quite interesting because it creates a link between the real world and the reality of the job market.

Date: 2016.07.07

Posted by I. Jacquard - France

It would have been interesting to draw a comparison between the different kinds of apprenticeship throughout Europe.

Date: 2016.07.07

Posted by Didier Cahour - France

It seems more and more important to create links between school and work.

Date: 2016.07.06

Posted by Elena Mihailovici - Romania

This module focuses on students’ transition from school to work by defining the relation between school and work in terms of what their offer and what problems that may arise. The module provides teachers and counsellors with tools and mechanisms available for young people to make a successful and smooth transition from school to work. The module also gives information about the most wanted professional profiles on the European job market as well as about the transversal skills that companies and recruiting services take into consideration when selecting human resources. Teachers and counsellors can find great examples that they can use with their students.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.