Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Homepage > Training > World of work

The module focuses on the relation between the school world and the labour market, and what are the tools in both worlds that help young students to build their professional profile before entering the labour market.

World of work

Table of Content

Chapter 2: Positions in schools
Company tutor
A company tutor is in charge of the organization, planning and implementation of tutoring activities in the work place. They foresee strategies and sources needed, and asses the level of qualification of the students.

The company tutor is the central axis of the practical side of the student training. They also act as a link between the company and the school, helping the student to integrate into the company.

This figure enables students to reach the right skills for the work place. For that reason, company tutors must have technical and pedagogy skills, communication skills, empathy, motivation and team work skills. Besides, a good command on new technologies is desirable.

The company tutor must organize and sequence this process of practical training, and also state a methodology for the achievement of objectives and its evaluation.

But the main task the company tutor is to match the right students for the right work place in terms of skills, duration and quality. Motivate the student is also important during all the process, in order to help him or her to successfully accomplish the period of practice within the company.
Online Resources
  • The European Workplace Tutor European project that aims at equipping in-company trainers with the competences they need to plan, deliver and evaluate training, to guide learning processes at the workplace, to assess individual and organisational training requirements and respond to them.
  • TUTOR-RING European project that aims at to raise the quality of the European work-based training, in which alternation takes place between a training centre and a company or institution in another country, constitutes one of the main objectives of European policy concerning vocational training.

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Date: 2016.09.13

Posted by Jūratė Grigaitytė - Lithuania

This part is relevant because it helps and motivates professional teachers to help students discover themselves and find the right workspace. This is relevant because the lack of motivation is characterized by not only students but also teachers. It is relevant, clearly presented and structured.

Date: 2016.09.02

Posted by Christine CLOES - Belgique

I would like to highlight another important key role of the company tutor who can help the student identify his/her professional profile. Supporting the student during all the internship lifetime, the company tutor can help the student become aware of his/her strengths and weaknesses, which is one of the most difficult tasks for the student!

Date: 2016.07.07

Posted by Elizabeth David - France

The module about the world of work is quite interesting because it creates a link between the real world and the reality of the job market.

Date: 2016.07.07

Posted by I. Jacquard - France

It would have been interesting to draw a comparison between the different kinds of apprenticeship throughout Europe.

Date: 2016.07.07

Posted by Didier Cahour - France

It seems more and more important to create links between school and work.

Date: 2016.07.06

Posted by Elena Mihailovici - Romania

This module focuses on students’ transition from school to work by defining the relation between school and work in terms of what their offer and what problems that may arise. The module provides teachers and counsellors with tools and mechanisms available for young people to make a successful and smooth transition from school to work. The module also gives information about the most wanted professional profiles on the European job market as well as about the transversal skills that companies and recruiting services take into consideration when selecting human resources. Teachers and counsellors can find great examples that they can use with their students.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.